From Shayleen's point of view
I guess I have been getting caught up in preparing nursery lessons more than I thought. I didn't realize that it had been over two weeks since my last post until today! Sorry! I know that I must keep these posts coming or people won't be LOGGING IN to view;)
Not a whole lot is new from our house hold. I did come down with strep throat last weekend. After starting the antibiotics and getting rid of that, Olivia and I came down with colds. I haven't had one of these in almost a year and I had forgotten what a pain they can temporarily be. It could be worse though and so I'm not going to complain:)
Welcome! I apologize for the inconvenience of having to log in to view this site now. I have noticed some things that I really like about this new beta site and some things that I hope the Blogger people correct soon! You'll notice that a few of my pictures below are cut off on the bottom. I don't know what happened during the upload process - I obviously still have a lot to learn about this new site. You can click on the pictures though to see what got cut off.
Anyhow - things have been very busy this past week and that is why I didn't get to post as soon as I had intended to. Along with Aaron's new church calling as Sunday School president, I finally got a calling last week. It was getting to feel a bit strange to not have a church calling. I have been asked to serve in the nursery. I am excited about it - those of you that know me, know that I loved serving in the nursery in Georgia. The difficult part will be handling Carter for those two hours. I hope Aaron is up to the task! ;)
Olivia and Carter are doing great! Olivia now introduces herself as 'Cinderella' to strangers. Luckily she is still in love with Carter. Carter is really starting to enjoy his big sister. As long as she doesn't get down in his face with a loud voice. Carter is a very smiley guy and loves to jabber in conversation with his mommy.
Aaron is still working hard with school and keeping very busy with work. We live for the weekends now more than ever!!!
Aaron and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary on October 4th! Aaron is so great - he got me a beautiful white gold necklace and earrings with amethyst stones. My present to him wasn't near as exciting...at least we can laugh at it:) (Scrubs season 1)
I do still have video I want to post, but I have a feeling it's going to take some figuring out with the whole Beta site...it might be awhile.