Argh! I just finished typing out this entire blog post complete with captions on each picture and then Blogger did something lovely and it didn't save. Needless to say, I am out of blogging steam for now and so this post might be rather bland. Sorry.
Aaron and I completed a project that has been on the list since we moved into the house. Well, we do still need to put the trim back up, but who cares...
We ran into a few set backs along the way, but it doesn't need to be perfect!
The one downer...Olivia stepped on her last butterfly (he wasn't a flyer) and it caused a lot of tears. But she had fun planning it's funeral.
Haylee loves the sand and often has gritty teeth for awhile after she's finished playing. Yum!
I make my bed everyday, but I often wonder why when this happens about 10 seconds after I'm done.