Friday, July 06, 2012

a little more of our summer

We've been busy having fun the past few weeks.  I really don't have very many pictures to document all that we've done.  From the drive-in theater, lemonade stands, a birthday, Miami Whitewater, getting locked out of my van, firework shows, loads of get togethers with friends this week, playgroups, and of course, swimming, we've been having tons of fun this summer!

Fun Dips before the drive-in movie teeth.

I was blowing bubbles for Haylee at the drive-in theater, but Haylee ended up getting some of the bubbles in her mouth and so she got pretty upset saying, "Don't eat the bubbles."  We all thought it was funny though.

My little Haylee bug turned THREE a few weeks ago!
 Here's a link to a video of what she loved most...the singing!

I know, I make awesome cakes ;)


It sure tasted yummy strawberry shortcake!

Carter and (mostly) Olivia's lemonade stand.  They were very profittable this year with Olivia earning most of it since she not only did most of the prep work, but sat at that table for five hours on the selling day.

Carter has this picture posted on his bed because he is so proud of himself for learning how to swim on his own.  We are proud of him too.  He's turned into even more of a fish this summer.

Haylee and I sometimes prefer to just swing on the bench rather than swim :)

Olivia's swimming has improved this year too.  She's getting good and swimming underwater.

Aaron has been a great swimming teacher!

I just love this picture of my little man.  He even gave me a good smile for it!

This was the only picture I took on the 4th of July!  Must have been having too good of time to stop and snap photos.

We got invited by my sister's in-laws to swim in their pool this week too.  The kids love swimming here for a change because they have a perfect diving board!


  I don't know why Carter always has to look like he's needs the restroom when I'm snapping pictures of his sister.

We are looking forward to what the last several weeks of summer will bring!