Friday, November 06, 2015

judged from the written books

I rarely use this blog to share some serious religious opinions, but since I've started the Pathway Program through BYU-I, I've decided to use this blog (as opposed to starting a new one) to record some of my assignments and feelings on topics being studied.  I have an assignment this week to make a blog entry on a topic I've studied from my lesson plan this week.  I've reflected on the things I've learned from the scriptures, my classmates and personal inspiration and have decided to post my opinions on 2 Nephi 28.
Last night in our Gathering class that meets weekly, we met in smaller groups to discuss certain topics that are our choosing from several options.  My group discussed False, Vain, and Foolish doctrines to avoid.
Satan's program is simple.  He wants to break apart the family.  I marked six (though, I'm sure there are more) ways Satan tries to lull us away in Chapter 28.
1 - (vs 19) Anger - This is one that affects so many of us without even realizing it.  This is one struggle that I have often and seems I am constantly trying to overcome.  I learned this week that when we are seeking after truth with a humble heart, we are actually blessed with a tolerance of others.  I had never put that covenant together, but I love it.
2 - (vs 20) Rage in the hearts - I automatically think of some social media posts from this morning when I think of this strategy of Satan's.  Yesterday, there were lots of news posts about the Church changing their policy on children of LGBTQ couples.  So many were immediately outraged before learning the reasoning behind it.  The reasoning behind this policy change is ultimately family harmony within the home.  But the majority of the world won't see it as such.
3 - (vs 21) Pacify - This always makes me think of a babies pacifier.  They use it for comfort and to help them feel better.  It's not really giving them any substance though.  They just need it to get them by.  Satan often pacifies us with words we want to hear at the time that have nothing to back it up.
4 - (vs 21) Lull them away - We should recognize that Satan didn't have to pass through the veil and so he still knows us very personally.  He knows our weaknesses and uses those against us in every circumstance he can.
5 - (vs 21) All is well - I once had a co-worker that seemed interested in hearing more about the church and meeting with the missionaries.  I made that meeting happen, but she just kept letting us know that she had already "declared that Jesus was her Christ."  She could not understand any importance in following Christ's example of baptism because, in her mind, she had already made that commitment.  Satan definitely wants us to believe that it's that easy - Make a statement that Jesus is your Christ and go on with your life!
6 - (vs 22) Flattereth - I believe that many are flattered by the "Eat, drink, and be merry" attitude.  It's a happy, easy going attitude that justifies committing a little sin (2 Ne 28:8).  I'm grateful for good friends that I can get together with and then leave feeling good about myself.  To me, it's so easy to have fun without any harmful substances.

I'm grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who knows us personally and can help us to have the knowledge and power we need to overcome the adversary so that we can live eternally.  It is my hope that my family will feel the same way so that I can be with them forever.

Thanks for letting me complete my school assignments on my personal blog!