We hope you all had a great Valentine's Day! Since we had some bad weather and were stuck home all day, I decided to make it a fun holiday for Olivia too.
I don't know why everything I'm writing is underlined. I can't figure it out...oh well.
Lots of pictures to enjoy this week!
People have mentioned to me that they can't leave comments...I hope that blogger has that problem fixed because I don't think it's a problem on my end of the line.

When I was a little girl, Valentine's Day was always a big to do! I was surprised to find out (just this year) that the traditions that I grew up with weren't a tradition with most of my friends too. I guess it's because they didn't grow up in the UT! I used to take all my Valentine's for my friends to their house, put it on the door step, and then "doorbell ditch" them. I loved to get Valentine's the same way from friends, my cousins, my grandma & even my mom. So...this year, Olivia's mommy left her a Valentine at her doorstep. Maybe some of you can make this a fun little "tradition" for Valentine's Day with your kids (next year of course).

I'm glad she was excited to get some skittles and a Valentine note.

The power was out at Aaron's office on Valentine's Day and so he got to come home and spend most of the day with us. He even brought us Valentine gifts home. Olivia got a rose and a balloon. I think Carter has enjoyed that balloon even more than Olivia has though.

Since Aaron isn't a big chocolate fan, he got a new wallet for Valentine's Day. It's called an "
all-ett." His old wallet was so fat that it was ruining his pants. His new wallet (the thin thing on top) only holds the necessities and so it's also better on one's back!

This day of love wore Carter out. I took this picture because I was so surprised that he fell asleep in his swing. He doesn't like his swing much anymore. After I took the picture, I noticed that his face was stained orange from his lunch of carrots.

Olivia and I made a Valentine Cake for our dessert. It's a
sour cream pound cake. We ended up sharing with our neighbors because we had too much for our little family.

Here is our candle light Valentine Dinner.

The day after Valentine's, Olivia had her first dentist visit. She did great. They cleaned her teeth and counted them. Then she got to bring home a bag of toys and other goodies (no, not candy goodies). I forgot my camera and so the dental assistant took this picture for me and it didn't turn out very good.

This is one of those precious moments. I caught Olivia helping Carter get a drink of water from my water bottle.

This is one of the best pictures of the ice we could get without getting all bundled up to go outside. I know the ice is hard on the trees, but it was so pretty! When the sunlight hit it, it sparkled all over. Ice covered every branch, power line and isicles were hanging off every street sign. I guess I can say it was pretty, because we weren't one of the thousands of people that didn't have power. Very grateful for that!!!

We got more snow yesterday and so Olivia and I headed out to play in it.

Carter can't wait until he's old enough to play outside when it's only 20 degrees.

Until then, he'll enjoy watching us through the sliding glass door.

Olivia wishing she had a hill to slide down.

We had so many isicles hanging on our house. One in particular got very long! It was fun to see it get longer and longer every day this past week. We finally decided to break them all off so that they didn't fall off and hurt Olivia while she played outside.

It was almost to my chin when we broke it off. So, I'm guessing it was almost 5 feet in length!

Well, Aaron and I got to have a little date on Saturday night. We haven't had one since Carter was born last August. Our friends, Karen & Ken, watched the kiddies. Olivia got to help Karen make a cake. She loved it!

Frosting a cake takes great concentration.

So does putting sprinkles on it!
But it takes the most concentration to eat it! Yummy funfetti cake!