Thursday, May 24, 2007

Buzz Buzz for Carter

Aaron got back from vacation last week. Oh, I mean WORK (it just happened to be in Florida, at the Hard Rock Hotel). My only adventure at being on my own for a week with two kiddies was that the power went out one night as I was getting ready to go to bed. Carter and Olivia ended up in bed with me because there was a good summer storm going on outside. Well, Carter didn't last long in my bed. As soon as Heavenly Father heard my prayers for help in getting the battery back up to work in his sound machine, he went straight back to his crib. After a few hours, the thunder stopped and power came back on. Olivia was then ready to go back to her bed too. We are definitely not a family that enjoys sleeping in Mommy & Daddy's bed. I am fine with that (I would never get a good night's rest otherwise)! Another panic that came along with the storm was that I couldn't find a flashlight or any candles before the power went out. So, the day after Aaron got home, we went and stocked up on flashlights (6 new ones to be exact). It was a wake up call to get my 72 hour kits ready for use.
While Daddy was in Florida, I decided it was time to bathe the kids together. It's much easier than trying to keep an eye on Carter while I bathe Olivia separately.

We got Carter out of his high chair and as he was crawling away, I noticed peas stuck in his toes!

We had a warm day yesterday and so we got the pool out...and the bubble machine.

Unfortunately the smile didn't last as long as I had hoped. Carter was ready to get out after a few minutes. (Note his longer hair...)

Olivia had more fun watering our weed patch than swimming t00.

Haircut #3

I just cannot pay $$ every month to get his haircut and I quickly realized I am no good at cutting a infant's hair with scissors, so he got the clippers taken to it.

A very exciting moment for Aaron - we can finally park two cars in the garage. Aaron was happy this morning to have no dew on the windshield.


Robyn said...

Carter's new haircut is so cute! I especially like how it looks like he's really modeling it for the camera.

Very cute kiddies!

kbradley said...

Carter is going to be such a heart breaker with those long lashes. He's so cute, very good job on the haircut. I gladly shell out he $13 to have someone cut Jordan hair. He's a mess that won't sit still. I loved the pictures of the kids in the pool. I wanted to pull our out too and I can't find it anywhere. I don't know where it could be. I wonder if we gave it away before we moved?

Meadows Family said...

Oh my gosh, Carter is so freakin' adorable with his new hair cut! You are good Shayleen. And of course Olivia is cute as always. Looks like you are pretty much settled into your new home, that must be a good feeling. Anyway, enjoy your week!