Thursday, March 27, 2008

10+ years later

Earlier this week I got to hang out with my best friend from High School. How fun is that? In honor of the get-together, I just had to go through some OLD photos and post some. (You don't mind, do you Tonya?)

She's always surrounded by the funnest people! (March 1996)

On our way to EFY! (July 1996)

Girls night out. If memory serves me right, we were only going to dinner...anything to draw attention to ourselves. (January 1997)

From then (1996)...

'Til now...

Tonya and I spent our High School years growing up across the street from each other in good ol' PG, Utah. Now we've both moved to the other side of the country, but fortunately only live a few hours from each other.

I didn't do a good job of getting pictures of her children while we hung out, I apologize.

Carter and Olivia loved playing with Branson, Lizzy and even Abby!

Even though the day started off as a roller coaster ride, we really had a great time.

Kinda like this:

Thanks for making the trek to Cincinnati Ton'!


Bobbi said...

AWE-SOME photos, Shaylene! And thanks for the extras you sent just for ME!!! I must say I'm pretty jealous that I didn't get to attend your mini "high school reunion". It looks like fun!!!

i'm erin. said...

hahahaha!!! I love it! You guys look exactly the same. ahhh, I love to be reminded of the glory days. You rock!

Patty said...

Boy is it fun to see the pictures of you in high school! Sounds like you had a great visit with your friend... how awesome that you both live fairly close!

Lori said...

That is awesome you could meet up again and don't live too far from each other. It looks like your kids are close in age also, that makes it even more fun. It's nice hanging out again with someone who knows you so well.

Mama D said...

Boy, in 1996 I was... hmm, living back in UT after 9 years in MA and AL, and had 4 kids. That's the year my oldest was baptized. Just feeling my age a little!!

It's neat that you had the chance to get together with your friend again! Fun pics.