Friday, January 21, 2011

Christmas & Olivia's big 7

Here's the scoop on how we celebrate:

The kids got to see Santa a few times. They kept him on his toes this year by telling him something different each time they sat on his lap. Their wish lists were ever changing.

I actually finished my Christmas advent quilt.

Carter got a really cool dinosaur shirt.

One big thing on Carter's list was this "dinosaur dig." He still hasn't discovered the bones hidden in that solid block of sand. He also hasn't had any interest in it in the last...well... since the day after Christmas. Gotta love that.

Haylee had a great Christmas too. She still loves this gift.

I think Olivia's favorite gifts were her eye shadow, blush, lipstick and glasses (with no lenses).

We had planned to go to Georgia on December 26th, but had to wait until the 27th due to a big winter storm. We had a nice week there...

Haylee loved Justin & Cheril's new dog.

Bella was a great babysitter.

Even though this face doesn't show it, Carter loved being around his cousins.

See, I told ya.

Little Haylee loved the attention too.
Haylee and Madison

Haylee really loved all the homes (and things in the homes) to explore.

Olivia loved hanging out with Bella.

Playing Just Dance Kids with her cousins and concentrating very hard.
Olivia, Savannah, Bella & Natalie

Justin was so nice to share an old keyboard with Haylee.

After getting home from Georgia, Olivia's birthday celebrations came next...

Instead of a birthday party, Olivia decided to celebrate at an indoor water resort, CoCo Key, with her friend, Connor.

It took a little while for Haylee to warm up to the idea of getting wet.

They had some great water slides for little kids.

Carter going down the water slide.

We all had a great time and wish we could have stayed a little longer as we walked back outside into the freezing weather to go home.

Since we went to CoCo Key the day before her actual birthday, more celebrating was in order. Olivia was excited to open her presents early in the morning before Aaron left for work.

While this may seem like a lame gift, Olivia was very excited to get her Daddy's old pocket computer full of her favorite songs, family videos, games and pictures from CoCo Key. I have since offered to get her an actual mp3 player that is smaller, but she doesn't want to give up the video and games...fine by me :)

Probably listening to Justin Beiber while eating her breakfast of choice, pancakes.

Olivia got some other gifts too. I think Carter liked the Aqua Sand more than Olivia did though.

One other favorite gift was this nail polish, of which I let her use herself. She was so excited. She did a great job for her first time painting her nails and I earned some "cool mom" points for letting her have at it.
Happy Birthday to my big 7 year-old! We love you so much Olivia!

Random recent pictures:
I caught a very cute moment...Carter "reading" to Emily.

Carter's five headed dragon drawing.

While I was showering today, Haylee enjoyed the rest of Carter's breakfast (bread with nutella).
Note to self: Haylee can reach the top of the table now.


Mama D said...

Great pictures! It was fun catching up on your last few posts. Your kids are so cute and getting so big!

Lori said...

I can't believe Olivia is 7 and next year you will have a baptism. Crazy. Haylee really looks so much older in these pics. Those water slides look cool and sounds like a great birthday. I love that she is into her makeup and nail polish now. She is really growing up.