Wednesday, April 24, 2013

loads of Spring!

We got to celebrate Easter with an egg hunt with the Stratton family.  They recently moved across town and from our ward and so it was great to see them again.

Olivia making a mad dash to find her next egg during the Easter egg  hunt.

Aaron helped Haylee find a few eggs so she could get some candy too.

Easter Sunday - getting ready to go to church

Easter Sunday we had the Anderson's and Scheidegger's over for dinner and egg coloring.
Carter had a great time dying eggs and in the process colored his hands too.

Haylee loves to play on my phone and so I often find little pictures  like this that she's drawn and saved...this is her version of a happy face.

She also likes the camera app on my phone and takes loads of pictures.

Always great pictures from Haylee :)

Aaron finally got a grill!  I actually kinda like it because then Aaron cooks dinner!
We had a great spring break!  Smashburger is a favorite place for us to eat and so we had to go for some fried pickles during spring break.

Aaron took Carter and Olivia to the bank so they could exchange some of their smaller bills for a $50 bill.  They thought that was pretty cool.

Chuck E Cheese was another stop during spring break.  
I must admit, I do love these little pictures you can get at Chuck E Cheese.

We also went to the zoo during spring break.  The weather was beautiful and so it was a very busy place, but we got to see lots of animals and enjoy the day outdoors.

In front of the Rhino

During Spring Break, Olivia and Carter made a tent downstairs out of anything and everything they could find.
Then they slept in it a few times.

Carter is getting ready to start his first season of soccer.  Uncle Daniel was happy to hear that and so he went and picked out Carter some cleats, shin guards and shorts and mailed them to Carter.  Carter was so happy to get them!

After running errands with Aaron one day, I looked down and saw this...a salt shaker in my diaper bag.  I laughed pretty hard to think that I threw this thing in the diaper bag as I was packing snacks that day.  I don't know where my mind went somedays.

Olivia got a new comforter...picked it out herself and boy, it is snazzy.

We are getting ready to drive to Utah again this summer and a baby takes up a lot of room in a vehicle so we decided it was time to get a bigger cargo carrier for the top of the van.

This is as big as they come and it's huge!

hanging out in Mommy and Daddy's bed.

I've recently learned how to make a few different kinds of bread...this Italian bread is so good with some garlic seasoning on it.  Who knew making bread was so easy?

The kids are already getting lots of use out of the trampoline.

Carter's spring pictures...I can't stomach paying so much for a sheet and so I just decided to take a picture of the picture :)  Carter is really such a joy.  He's so helpful and fun!

Olivia's spring pictures turned out so great too.  She is such a loving little girl and is so patient with Haylee.

Ryan enjoyed watching Carter play Just Dance.

This little guy is so much fun!

1 comment:

heather said...

I love all your pictures!! You had quite the spring!You have the cutest family ever!!