Saturday, August 03, 2013

June 2013

We started off our summer with another great road trip out west!
We weren't planning to go to Utah again this summer, but Aaron's family planned a get together at the Lunt family cabin in Cedar City before the cabin gets sold.  So, we made another trip this year.

Ryan had a rough time getting used to the fact that he now had to nap in his car seat for a few days.

Carter had asked if we were in Colorado yet at least twice before we hit this landmark on our drive out west.

Haylee travels fairly easily.  Except at night!  We found that out the hard way.  We had high hopes of driving through the night, but about 1am our first night of driving, Haylee woke up and had a total melt down, waking up Ryan and making him cry.  Aaron and I then decided we wouldn't be driving through the night.  So...we had to get two hotels on the way to Utah and two on the way back to Ohio.

Playing around a little bit at one of our stops.

My contacts were giving me fits on day of the drive, but I can't stand to go without my sunglasses, so I had to do double duty that day :(

We made it to Utah!  We met new cousins too!

Olivia and Delilah became instant friends.
Adele showed us she has loads of personality!

We love Sammy!

Cousins!  Lots of boy cousins!

Strawberry Days Rodeo
Amy & Adele at the rodeo

Olivia loves the show, The Voice.  I let her stay up late one night so she could watch the finale.  She was SO EXCITED that the girl she wanted to win, won!

I got to see an old friend of mine, Jamie Gammon!  Jamie lives in Colorado, but is from American Fork.  She was visiting Utah at the same time as us and so we met up at Seven Peaks waterpark.

At the Strawberry Days Carnival!

Haylee absolutely loved all the rides and Olivia was so awesome to take her on them all.

Ring of Fire

Kelton took Olivia on this ride.  I used to love this ride, but now that my daughter is tall enough to ride, I don't love it so much.  I was so scared to let her ride this.  I couldn't even watch it when she did.

Carter and Sam loved the dragon roller coaster.  They rode it probably 20 times.

Haylee loved the merry go round!

I love this girl so much!

Haylee took Delilah and Haylee on the Ferris Wheel.

Aaron stayed busy while we were gone with helping Andy build a pergola at his house.

Adele, Shellee and Delilah at the Strawberry Days parade.  Shellee & Daniel are foster parenting these sweet girls in hopes of being able to adopt them.  They are half sisters and less than a year apart.  They are so sweet!

Haylee liked the itouch better than the parade.

Dad & Mom at the parade

We celebrated Haylee birthday in Utah.

She makes a great "happy face."
Aaron pointed out that she is our one child that we've never had to put in time out.  I hope that always rings true.  She is so easy in so many ways...she entertains herself most of the day.

Kyland and Kendra

When we had family get togethers, we would usually bring out a blanket with Haylee's favorite toys so she would be near us.  She drew a crowd on occasion.

Haylee got this tunnel for her birthday, but the kids (& Shellee) had a blast with it.

We brought our face paints to Utah with us and Uncle Daniel created some works of art.

Aaron and Haylee now share this ipad...Happy Father's Day and Happy Birthday to Haylee (for her speech therapy)


Beautiful Delilah

My beautiful mom and her flowers which she takes great pride in

Angie is one of my high school best friends.  It turns out that she is in my older sisters ward!  It was so fun to have Shonte' babysit my kids while I went to lunch with Angie one day.  Lots of reminiscing.

Jump On It!  Haylee loved this place

Lame-o bumper cars at some arcade we went to.

Haylee never got into the mini-bowling

Kendra makes a great babysitter!

We went to Lindon City pool twice and it is such a great pool for the kids.  Haylee and Ryan loved floating in the tubes while we walked the lazy river

Max loved the Wave Rider

:)  Love this pic too

Kelton and Shad have recently gotten into gold panning.  Kelton gave Carter a mini-lesson on it.

My kids love Shad & Amy's yard...what's not to love?

Carter seems to think he has to make this face every time I pull out a camera.

We got to go see Max in his summer play.  He played a lead roll in "Tangled."  It was so fun and he did awesome!  Olivia was hoping he would end the play with kissing the princess ;)

Alta Mae and Uncle Jay treated us to dinner at Los Cucos.  Yummiest fried avocados!

My pretty Grandma Harper

Aaron and I have never been apart as long as we were this trip...nearly four weeks.  It was so good to have a husband again.

View of Cedar Breaks from the cabin in Cedar City, where we met Aaron's family.

The kids would take little "hikes" around the cabin.

These cousins have so much fun!  And Olivia was happy to have some girls cousins (her age) to play with.

Lincoln and Chris' son, Ethan.

Sherie & Diana

Everyone got to shoot guns (Justin's & Kirk's).  Carter's turn.

Olivia's turn

Justin fell at the Cedar City pool and had to get some stitches :(

Aaron took this picture of the van window, claiming there was a face print in it...kinda freaky.
This picture is out of place, but it's of Shelle and I at the parade.  Love my sisters!

This trip will be continued....I have a lot more pictures to post of it :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

glad you took lots of pics, I don't have that many!!! love ya!- Shell