Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Ski Utah!

Now to the skiing part of our vacation. My dad was kind enough to take Aaron and I skiing at Alta. I haven't been skiing in probably five or more years. This was a first for Aaron. It was a very cold day (between 22-25 degrees F), but I seemed to be the only one feeling it. I think it was because I was coming down with a cold. The snow was great for skiing, but the wind and visibility made it rough. Nevertheless, Aaron did fantastic for his first time. Thanks Dad!

Aaron and myself.


Me and Aaron

Me and Aaron again.

And again.

That would be me.

Here comes Aaron.

Here is Aaron again.



Johnson Journal said...
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Johnson Journal said...

Ouch. This one made me homesick. "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas." It's 80 degrees in Texas right now. And yes, we do have a fireplace. (We use it for hanging stockings.)