This is another odds and ends blog posting. Just downloaded the few pictures that I had on my camera onto the computer and thought that since it had been awhile, I would go ahead and update the blog.

Her diaper really wasn't that full, but we're trying to steer (?sp) away from the onesie shirts with potty training coming up and so Olivia's diapers sure do sag a lot more. Also, I will go ahead and apologize to Olivia for this picture because someday she might care that I shared it with everyone:)
All bundled up with no where to go.
Olivia is sporting Shellee's winter treasure that she just found.
My dad took this picture of my parent's house just after they received a bit of snow. Why couldn't it have done that (in the valley) while we were there? ps Love the lights.
A great shot of Timp from my parent's house after it got some snow too.
Okay, did anyone notice that the title of this blog doesn't really fit...yet?
For those of you who don't know...Aaron and I are planning for a growing family. Yes, that means we are expecting again. I am not that far along...probably only five weeks or so. I will go to the doctor next week, but guessing I'm due around the first week of August. We hope that we will be settled into Cincinnati by then. We probably would have waited until I was further along to tell everyone, but I got asked point blank the other day and I hate to lie. I then figured that there isn't much point in waiting to tell everyone. So you can thank Diana and Cheril for that one:)
One more thing: Thank you if you left a comment on my blog. I got a few on my last posting (from Thanksgiving) and I love reading them. Thanks!