Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Camping at Shoal Creek

This last weekend we got to go camping with the Lunt Family! It was a great two days! Olivia always enjoys being outside all day! What kid doesn't? She even took a two hour nap in the tent on Saturday! It was so fun to hear the wind and rain on Saturday night! Our camping sites were great because even though it was supposed to be a very warm weekend, we got a nice cool breeze off the Lake (Lake Lanier) that made the nights bearable! My pregnant self had to break out the air mattress for the second night. Something that I despised doing on a camping trip, but it certainly made that night much better than the first.

Thank you to Cheril & Justin for finding the camp sites & to everyone else for the good cooking!

Olivia was excited to see her cousins on Friday night!

Papa dug small rocks from the sand for quite awhile on Saturday so that the little ones could have fun throwing them in the water. Braden is squatted down low here picking up his own boulder (he's such a boy...picks the ones that are just a bit too heavy to get off the ground).

Every time Olivia would throw a rock into the water she would turn to us and cheer for herself saying, "I did it!" Her throwing skills seemed to really improve while we were there. I only saw one or two rocks get thrown by her that landed BEHIND her.

Olivia enjoyed Bella and Savannah's company.


Aaron took this picture. The timing is good to catch Savannah right before she took a fall into the water.

Little Hannah was soaking up the rays. She borrowed Olivia's hat to prevent her head from getting a majority of them.

Kirk & baby Lincoln (in his swim trunks)

Even though Jason had to work all of Friday night, he still spend a lot of time in the water on Saturday. He's holding the rope to the raft.

Olivia sporting a very cute suit! (Thank you Bella & Savannah). Can you believe it's a 4T?


Anonymous said...

Family camping trips are the best! They make the most memorable and most talked about events!! (especially in our family!) Way to go. It looks so wonderful and so fun. What a great way to stay cool in the hot weather! I love Olivia's swimsuit, what a cutie for sure! I'm so glad you got some good camping in before you leave.

And heck, you deserve an air mattress by all means-that's awesome you just went camping!!! I think your little boy will be even more adventurous outside now for sure! Him and Olivia are going to be quite the pair! :] Good luck w/ the upcoming moving events! Hang in there!

Love, Chelsea Rae

Robyn said...

What a fun camping trip. Plus swimming in a lake. Being a Utah girl I love a good lake swim. I am also terribly impressed that you went camping, considering you are coming up on your third trimester.

Plus Olivia looks so cute in her big girl suit.

Cheril Lunt said...

Camping was lots of fun.. I was just thinking that it is funny how all of the Lunt daughter in laws have now gone camping preganant.
Anyhow, that is my 2 cents of the day