Thursday, September 28, 2006

Lots of changes

This will be my last post as a regular blogger! I will be changing my site so that anyone who wants to view it will need to be 'invited.' If you want to still be able to read my posts and are concerned that I might not have your email address, please email me (so I'll have your email address) and I'll send you an 'invite.' I don't really like the word 'invite.' I would feel more comfortable if I were 'asking' people to view our blog (instead of 'inviting'). I'll be sure to have lots of juicy posts for those that continue to read. hehe
*To be able to view it you will have to create a google account if you don't already have one. (That is the part that I hate.) I think that the email address you use for your google account will need to be the same one that I send the 'invite' to.
*Since viewing this blog won't be 'one click' easy anymore, I do send out an email to let people know I have updated our blog. If you want to be put on that list, email me and let me know. That way you won't have to login and be possibly disappointed that I didn't update since your last login.
I'm sorry about this! I really don't want to lose any readers, but I feel the need to protect our privacy from crazy people in the world!
My email address is:

Okay - now for the fun family stuff!
I have been horrible at taking pictures the past couple of weeks. I have found myself saying, "I should get the camera out and take pictures of this," a lot, but just been too lazy to actually do it. Carter has lots of smiles for us lately and Olivia is adjusting to the fact that he is going to cry sometimes. The first few times we actually had to let him cry (because we couldn't get to him right away), resulted in tears streaming down Olivia's face. I know, she's my daughter!
I have some videos, but it will probably take me a few days (or weeks) to get those up.
For now, enjoy the pictures -

While painting Olivia's toenails on the floor earlier this month, I noticed a spider. I asked Olivia to go into the bathroom and rip me a piece of toilet paper to pick it up. This is the piece she brought to me. Yes, that white speck next to the penny is apparently sufficient to pick up a spider. Yikes!

Carter loves the teddy bear mobile on his swing!

Another zonk out during tummy time.

All smiles!


Cheril Lunt said...

Super Cute. That is way funny. Olivia must be pretty brave to pick up a spider using that toilet paper piece. Thanks for the update and I am glad that you were able to switch afterall. Like you told me when I started I have to tell you > Welcome to BETA. Haha

kbradley said...
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kbradley said...

I always mess up words when I'm typing. (and I know how you like to correct me) So let me try again...
Cute template. I love it, mind if I use it? Ken hates the one I picked out for our new blog. By the way, it will be worth logging in to see the pictures of your cute kids. Talk to you later.

Anonymous said...

that is stupid i have to log in now to look at your pics, you know how computer stupid i am- i guess you will just have to send me some pictures to my email.

Vicki Lunt said...

Too bad their are crazy people out their who make it where we now have to "log in" to view your blog. A sign of the times I suppose. Anyway, that piece of paper to squash the spider cracks me up. Just do like my mom used to do...just squish it wish your very own finger!!!!! (Gross I know! It practically traumatized me for life! I now totally hate spiders! HA!)

Our little guys is quite smiley huh? He is so cute. I'm glad Olivia likes him. They are both adorable.