I asked Olivia this week if she had a boyfriend and she replied that Carter was her boyfriend. How sweet! Carter is learning so much lately. He pulls up to everything - the blinds, tables, computer desk, lamps. Anything and nearly everything that he shouldn't be allowed to touch. He definitely keeps me more on my toes than Olivia ever did. I sometimes feel like I'm a first time mom again. Carter even learned his first (well, second if you count him waving "bye, bye") sign yesterday. He can now sign "more" when he wants more food (usually cheerios). After he signs it, he immediately has to cheer for himself.

Carter trying out Olivia's new crayons.
Olivia is growing up too! She loves to do worksheets in her learning books.
Nothing on Olivia's blue table is safe anymore. Just last night he snatched Olivia's scissors off the table and took off with them. Of course, Olivia was quick to chase him down and make him very upset when she snatched them back.
Olivia and her boyfriend.

I don't know that Carter has the same feelings for Olivia though.

Olivia must have learned this from an old friend (Robyn:). She covered the fireplace with blankets and pillows "so that Carter wouldn't scratch his fingers."
Olivia had her first swim lessons this week. She loved it!
I learned something from and old friend too...my kids aren't too young for corn on the cob! It was such a new and fun thing to try. Olivia had almost two whole cobs for dinner that night.
Carter wanted to just eat the entire cob.