Friday, November 23, 2007

They love to...

Carter loves to help Daddy eat his breakfast. He will gladly put his breakfast aside to help Daddy eat his.

Olivia loves to play outside and loves to hide. It's great when she can combine the two in the middle of our front yard.

Just DO NOT cover her face.

(She made that clear as Aaron and I raked leaves around her.)


Anonymous said...

Wow! You can barely see Olivia's face in that big pile of leaves! Kids really do love playing outdoors don't they?

We missed you guys at our Thanksgiving dinner but look forward to spending some time when you come in December. Love and miss you guys. Kiss the kids and tell the kids their Grammy and Papa love them very much.


Mama D said...

Being buried in that pile of leaves looks like so much fun for Olivia! I love the pleasure kids get from the simple things in life!

Patty said...

What great pics!!

Robyn said...

Jacob loves to help us eat our food too! What little scavengers they are. These pictures are adorable.

Anonymous said...

So cute and precious! Little kids turn into such the big helpers. They crack me up. I love those photos of Olivia too in the leaves. That looks like tons of fun to me too! Those are great!

Love, Chelsea
p.s. i LOVED that elf thing you sent. where did you find that? it was sooo funny! thanks for sharing!

martha corinna said...

You clearly have a lot more leaves then we do, and consequently, a lot more fun.

Steve and Jamie said...

Isn't playing in the leaves so fun-at least the first time. It's cleaning them up 3-4 times that becomes painful. (I'm not looking forward to that chore this weekend. It's way to cold.)

Leslie said...

What darling pictures!! Half of me wishes that I could just let go and get buried in a pile of leaves, the other half of me is just CERTAIN that there are bugs all over in the pile, just waiting to crawl all over me. I'm glad kids don't think like that!

Launa said...

Peek a boo I can barely see you Olivia. Looks like you are all having a great time.

Love ya
Grandma Johnson