Saturday, June 14, 2008

Brood XIV

Isn't this one of the ugliest BUGS you have ever seen?
Well, Olivia was smitten!

Carter even got in on the bug action.

The cicada's aren't in our part of town this year and that is fine with me. I've never really seen one until this week. Our neighbor works on the other side of town and brought some home with her. Olivia loved it when Mr. Cicada would sing his love song to her!


Lori said...

Those are so gross and ugly. I remember when my sister had those at her house in Kentucky. Your lucky they don't live at your house.

Corrie- said...

Eewww, I hate cicadas! A few of them took a field trip home on our car from our trip to West Chester this week. I was worried that they might tell their friends how quiet Fairfield is and invite them over :( I don't get how people can eat them either, boo cicadas snacks, boo!

Mama D said...

How can your petite girly-looking beautiful girl be so into bugs?!? :)

I hate cicadas! When the last brood hatched (4 years ago), we had to dodge their evil dive-bombing as I took Katie out to the bus for kindergarten. Ugh!

I work in the Hyde Park area, and have to deal with them in the parking lot and as I drive I-71. SOOOO glad they aren't in Fairfield this time!

Their love song is just loud and annoying to me. Maybe I need to try and view this part of the world from Olivia's eyes...

Cassie Rakes said...

Oh, then may I suggest the Kings Island especially the waterpark. You can hear them over the sound of the cars on the on expressway, and they are ALL over the pools there. YUCK. I can't believe that Olivia gets into bugs so much.

Robyn said...

She's so cool. Tough as nails and sweet as can be. What adorable little guys.

Carter has lots of cute muscle shirts! What great biceps he's got.

Anonymous said...

Oh yuck! That is pretty ugly, ugh. I hate ugly bugs, especially anything that looks close to a cockroach! I've never seen Cicadas though, but yewww! That is so great though that Olivia isn't afraid of them and likes bugs. That's good! John says I can't freak out about spiders infront of our kids someday so that I don't make them afraid too. I think that's a good idea, let your kids decide what they like, as long its safe and they know the risks. Your kids are so cute in the summertime!

Love, Chelsea

Amy J said...

Those are the sickest looking bugs ever! They probably make a crunching sound if you step on them. OHHH that just totally sicks me out. I can't believe Olivia is so into bugs and gross things like that, she is so girly.

Jennie Freakin' Wilder said...

Man You have some stinking cute kids. What a beautiful family!!!! It looks like you are having a lot of fun this summer too. I'm jealous a little that I'm not out with you having fun.