Monday, June 02, 2008


Is it normal for one little boy to drive one mommy bonkers?

I have to keep a constant eye on him!

As I was putting a band-aid on Olivia the other day, I turned around and found Carter with an open bottle of medicine...I thought these things were supposed to be child proof!

Do you have these on all the doorknobs in your house? I have never had to use one of these until this weekend. I had to make an emergency trip to the store on Friday night to buy a package. I spent Friday afternoon chasing after Carter as he would open the front door, the storm door and then be out to the sidewalk in no time at all! Either that or he would ring the doorbell over and over and over again.

Oh my little munchkin! He's lucky he makes me laugh a lot or I would consider giving him away. (for a little while anyway)

And when Carter doesn't make me laugh, Olivia usually fills in the gaps!



My cousin, Brandon, graduated from High School last week. Congratulations Brando! Brandon took over my bedroom (at my parent's house) shortly after I moved away to college. Now he's moving to NM...because that is what Byrd's do...they fly south! Much love to you Brandon, we'll miss you dearly!


Cheril Lunt said...

I can only laugh so hard because your second child is just like my second child... Oh and wait they are cousins... So it's the Lunt's fault. Super cute picture of Olivia... and Congrats to your cousin..

kbradley said...

You didn't think all you kids would be as calm and quiet as Olivia did you? It just wouldn't be fair to those of us who have active ones.

Patty said...

Carter sure is a cute little rascal! I'm sure he has you going back and forth between laughing and pulling your hair out! And I love all the pics Olivia did for the last post- especially the one of herself!

Anonymous said...

But he's so darn cute!!!!!!!!! Wow, what a little man. I can't believe that fence photo-its so crazy. Boys are such a handful, but thank goodness they are so cute. Hang in there w/ them. He cracks me up in the photos for sure but I can only imagine your exhaustion w/ him :] Olivia is a doll for sure too. Congrats to your couin too! Isn't it crazy how fast cousins grow up, its wild!

Love, Chelsea

Robyn said...

Oh my goodness. That Carter is a liability! So much energy and ingenuity. Definitely the son of an engineer. What a darling.

Fordney said...

First off, Carter & Owen would destroy whole cities if they ever got together. I caught Owen scaling our chainlink fence and we have those doorknob thingys on all of our doors. It must be something in the male gene.
Second, I cannot believe that Brandon is that old. It just seems like yesterday that he came to live w/your family. Crazy.

Cami Garcia said...

Wow. We are going through the same thing! It's nice to know I'm not alone. Lexy was calm and sweet and no trouble, Logan on the other hand isn't even walking on his own yet and he's already into trouble all the time. There are days when I would like to run an add that reads "free to good home" jk. We should so get together, we are like the perfect family match. Our kids would have a blast together!

Corrie- said...

Your Carter is so cute, I'm sure it's hard to be upset with his antics for too long. I love the photo of him climbing the fence! If I see him running down the street I promise to bring him home!

Kayla said...

Definitely blame it on the Lunts!! ;) My mom would tell you what you're going through is completely normal. My youngest brother has done so many crazy things, from peeing on the Christmas Tree to peeing in my mom's soda can...

Steve and Jamie said...

It's a good think he so cute. He was cracking me up in church today. Maybe he needs to come to my house for a little while. He might actually keep Allison in line.

Cassie Rakes said...

I guess I forgot to leave a comment the last time I checked your blog. I well, it's sound like we all have a lot in common.
carter and kennie are crazy boys and we are crazy mommies.

And when I clicked on the blog, my kids where pleasantly suprised by the music. All they want to do is JUMP.

Gabe & Hannah said...

Welcome to having a boy! I'm shocked that you haven't already had to put those door things on before now. He is one cutie though so you pretty much just roll with it when they are that cute! Thanks for all the updated posts!

Lori said...

Is your mom having a hard time having brandon gone? She has no kids left at the house. That was a hard transition for my parents.