Friday, December 26, 2008

Our Christmas Celebrations

For one of our FHE activities this month, we made our first gingerbread house. I don't think I've ever made one of these before. I had visions of it looking just like the one on the outside of the box. haha. The kids loved it though.

Olivia was finally brave enough to talk to Santa this year. Carter wasn't so brave, he did talk to Mrs. Claus though.

For another FHE (Family Home Evening) activity, we got together with our neighbors and they took us to Pyramid Hill to look at all the lights. The kids loved it too.

We are still trying to figure out what traditions will work for our little family during the holidays. We tried bowling on Christmas Eve this year and it was great. It was the kids' first time and they really enjoyed it.

Christmas morning was full of excitement and flying pieces of wrapping paper as the kids tore through their gifts as quickly as they could. I was so happy to see that Olivia got her own chef hat. She had been begging me to make her one for awhile.

We now have our very own Handy Manny.
And he loves to be "working" under the hood of his jeep!

We hope you all enjoyed the Christmas holiday too!


Lori said...

We are working on our own christmas traditions also for the years we are in utah. Bowling is a good one, I haven't thought of that. It looks like the kids got some great toys. I love the jeep, those were always my favorite toy when I was little. I am glad you got a great santa picture with Olivia.

Katie Meadows said...

Awesome chef outfit for Olivia, did you make that? It is adorable. Looks like you had a great Christmas and I am totally with you on trying to figure out traditions for your family....we are doing the same :)

Robyn said...

Oh Merry Christmas indeed! It surely looks like you all had a wonderful time. We are also really working to understand the whole "building traditions" thing. Great job with bowling. What a great idea!

martha corinna said...

The bowling looks so fun! You just gave me an idea.

Mama D said...

Looks like you had a great Christmas! Your kids are so adorable - they really are photogenic!

Sarah said...

Looks like you all had a fun time! We haven't had time to do family traditions yet. We had (I mean got) to do Christmas 6 times in a week. Bowling sounds like a fun one though. We did have a pizza and a movie night with the Grinch movie. That was a fun one we may continue.

heather said...

I like the bowling idea. We've been doing some Wii bowling and that will have to do for now. The jeep is really cool. I want one! I'm glad you had a great Christmas.