Monday, December 15, 2008

The scariest thing to me

I think I saw the scariest thing last Thursday night. At least since the scariest thing I saw last year. As I was getting ready to go to bed I heard a big bang outside. I immediately thought it was a gun shot. I ran into our bedroom to ask Aaron (who had just gone to bed) if he heard the noise. I then went to peek through our bedroom window blinds and saw orange flames high in the air just a few houses away! I ran to the back door to see what house it was and called 911. They were already on their way. Aaron and I watched the sky darken and flames continue to burn the house for awhile with our neighbors. It was so sad to see that with my own eyes (not on TV) and it took me some time to calm down enough to sleep that night. I did hear from some neighbors today that everyone got out safely at least. The loud boom that I heard was a motorhome in their front driveway that pretty much exploded.

On a [much] lighter note...we got our mailbox bashed in a couple of weeks back. Gotta love the teenagers with nothing to do and a baseball bat in hand. Not! But in comparison...I'll take a smashed mailbox ANYDAY! (please ignore the mailbox post that is in bad need of a new paint job.)


Kayla said...

That is really sad! And so close to Christmas too. I am grateful I never have and pray that I never have to experience anything like that.

Lori said...

wow, I would be freaked out also. I'm glad nothing happened to your house. Sorry about the mailbox.


Scary hope everyone was ok....I hate fires!

Bobbi said...

HOLY CRAP! That is INSANE!! I definitely would have had a heart attack....and WOULD NOT have been able to sleep that night. What kind of neighborhood do you live in anyway? Bashed-in mailboxes, exploding motorhomes....crazy!

Jennie Freakin' Wilder said...

I don't want to make a light comment on the subject because it really is devastating but I just watched Christmas Vacation last week and the comparison, or lack of, came to mind. :) I hope the family is getting the help and assistance they need. I'm glad they aren't physically hurt. That would be the worst injury ever!

chelle said...

how scary! Glad everyone got out ok !