Wednesday, July 01, 2009

The Haylee Story

I don't know that I could have asked for things to go more smoothly! I am lucky to have pretty uneventful pregnancies and this one was no different. This labor and delivery experience was a good one too.
On Friday the 19th of June, I had my 40-week check-up. I wasn't quite dilated to a two and since my doctor knew that I would be ready to have the baby the following week, he scheduled for me to have an ultrasound on Tuesday the 23rd to be sure the baby was a good size before deciding to induce.
On Saturday the 20th (my due date) I got my hair cut and did my last bit of cleaning since my mom was flying in that night. The real contractions started that Saturday late afternoon. I was sure that I would still be going to my Tuesday appointment since I had contracted at home with Olivia for nearly four days before being admitted to the hospital.
My mom made it in late on Saturday night and we couldn't have timed it better!
I made it to church on Sunday (like I had promised everyone in Primary that I would) but couldn't hide the pain of my contractions very good while I was there. I did get things squared away to be gone for a few weeks.
After dinner on Sunday and getting the kids in bed, I think Aaron was getting nervous. (He's always worried that he's going to have to be the one to deliver the baby at home ;) We started timing the contractions around that time and by 10pm, they were regularly five to six minutes apart. Aaron hurried me along to finish packing my bag, I had a quick favorite meal of mine (cinnamon toast & chocolate milk) and then it was off to the hospital. We arrived there at around 11pm on Sunday and I was very happy to hear that I had dilated to a five.

They were quick to get me an epidural (which hurt really bad, but still worth it) and then labor slowed. The nurse gave me a little pitocin around 3am to get the contractions going again and boy did they! My water broke a little after 4am, at which time I was dilated to a seven. About 25 minutes later, I felt the urge.

I was pushing shortly after that and within about five or six pushes, Haylee was born!

We had told Olivia on Sunday night, before she went to bed, that she might wake up to just Grandma there. She could hardly believe that the time for her little sister to be born was that close. She was pretty excited. Our little visitors came to the hospital that next morning and marched right into our hospital room ready to meet their new little sister.

It didn't take Carter long to discover the buttons on the hospital bed.

He did have a little interest in Haylee though.

Aaron getting some bonding time.

How cute is that face?

Haylee's body temperature dropped enough that she had to lay in "the oven" for awhile on Monday and then we kept her bundled up so she wouldn't have to do that again.

She loves her rocking chair.

Haylee is a little bare on top of her head, but has plenty in back.

Olivia is usually happy to just hold Haylee's hand. She's held her enough on her lap and DOES NOT like it when Haylee begins to fuss and I don't run right to her. It makes Olivia quite upset to hear her cry (just like Carter did when he was born).

Our little lady Haylee is bulking up fast. At her one week check-up, she already weighs 8 lb. 7 oz.
I am so blessed.


Steve and Jamie said...

Wow, she is adorable! I'm glad it was quick and everything went well. For the record, I didn't even know you were having contractions during Primary. You were hiding it pretty well. Or maybe I was just very distracted. . .

Vicki Lunt said...

Hey Shayleen,
Thanks for posting these pictures and the story of how things went during labor and delivery, etc.

We all know what beautiful children you and Aaron have produced and Haylee is no exception!! What a beautiful girl! :-)

We are excited to get to come and meet our newest granddaughter (#10 grandchild) (get our bonding time in). So glad you've had your angel mother there to help. She just is always there for you guys isn't she?

Give her a kiss for me will ya?


Vicki, Mom, Grammy

Vicki Lunt said...

Kiss Haylee not you Mom! hehehe! (no offense Launa)

Sylvia said...

She is a DOLL!! What a perfect little baby. Congratulations you guys! Your kids are so adorable.

Amy J said...


kbradley said...

Cute pics! I can't believe how much she's changed in just a week. How is it having 3 kids?

Lori said...

Yay, I'm so glad you posted the birth story. I love reading those. I'm so glad it went so smoothly for you, you are lucky. She is just adorable.

chelle said...

So glad things went so well for you! I can't believe you came to church contracting!
She is beautiful and very bright eyed. She is ready to take on this world it seems.

Chelseanator said...

Your whole family is adorable! The pictures are so sweet and little Haylee is beautiful w/ her dark eyes and hair! Thanks for sharing the great story-so glad it went sooo well!!! That is awesome that you were able to do everything and be so prepared. And so awesome that your mom got their right on time-how sweet! I hope your kids keep adjusting so well and that you get lots of rest. Enjoy!

Love the photos!

Bobbi said...

Shayleen, she is absolutely precious! Congratulations on a very beautiful baby girl!! I love her!!!