Saturday, August 08, 2009

Carter & Haylee

We blessed Haylee in church this past Sunday. She did a very good job and didn't make a peep. Just stared at all the new faces. Aaron's parents, Grammy & Papa, came to visit this week too. Carter & Olivia had a great time with them!

Carter had a big birthday on Tuesday too. My little man is 3!

Carter really had a week full of fun. Among other things, he got to see Ice Age 3 in 3D (Thank you Grammy & Papa), go to McDonald's & go bowling.
He also got to break open a pinata. We had to do this in the garage because it rained all day on Tuesday.

Carter also got spoiled with a Car's cake. He loves that Lightening McQueen!
Happy Birthday Carter!


Amy J said...

Those eyelashes of Carters are soooo awesome. I swear they get longer in every picture! Happy Birthday! Haylee is such a doll. Oh my.

chelle said...

Happy birthday Carter!
Love the new family pics. Haylee looks so cute her blessing dress.

Launa said...

Carter Happy Birthday, I was going to call on Tuesday. It totally slipped right by me. Sorry Carter. It is amazing how much Haylee has changed in just 2 months. She is a doll. I can't wait to see all the kids again.
Love ya Mom J.

The Wageman Clan said...

I loved the blessing dress! So cute! Your little boy is a doll too! Looks liek things are going great!

kbradley said...

Happy Birthday, Carter!! 3 is fun! Haylee looked beautiful on her blessing day. In fact you all did! Was that the pinata you made? It looked awesome. We have to get together before we leave. One month on Friday...yikes!

Cami Garcia said...

Shayleen!! You have such a beautiful family!!! ALl three of your kids are A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E!!!!! Can't wait until you visit GA again so we can see you all in person!!

Strebel's said...

He is so stinking cute

Mama D said...

Haylee looked beautiful in her blessing dress! And happy b-day to Carter. What a fun week y'all have had!

Lori said...

I can't believe he is 3, Happy Birthday Carter!! Haylee is beautiful. I'm glad she did well during the blessing.

Anonymous said...

geez!!!carter's eyelashes are so long he's so cute!!! i can't wait to see olivia and carter again!!! and i can't wait to see haylee for the first time tell olivia and carter i said hi!!!

Vicki Lunt said...

So happy we had the opportunity to see beautiful Haylee be blessed by her Dad in Church and that her Papa Lunt could be in the circle. What a special day! She didn't make a peep! And what a thrill it was to get to hold her for the very first time. She makes our 10th grandchild.

We had so much fun with Carter and Olivia while we were there. When we took them to the "Ice Age--Dawn of the Dinosaurs" (3D) they both were so funny--especially "Liv". She kept reaching way out to "grab" the animals and things (3D). At the very end of the movie she asked me to take her up to movie screen so she could actually "get" one to take home. Of course, Carter ended up coming down to the screen as well. They each got "one" and kept it in their pocket. It was so funny! :-)

The bowling for Carter's birthday was very fun. One game was enough for them (and for me and Kirk, too, hehehe!). He was kind of a nut about the car from the "Car" cake.

I just love his zest for life! He's such a little doll. How can you get mad at that face?? Such a handsome boy!

You guys have such a beautiful family. Each of your children are incredibly good looking. I hope you buy up your supply of bats and guns to keep the boys AND girls away from your kids as they grow up!!!!

Thanks so much for letting us come to visit, Shayleen, so close after having Haylee. You're a trooper. We love you dearly. (and Aaron, too, of course).


Patty said...

Haylee was so well behaved- just like an angel!
Looks like Carter had a great birthday! I love all your pics, especially the one with all of you- such a beautiful family!