Sunday, October 25, 2009

A break from laundry

The amount of laundry and sanitizing I feel the need to do from this flu bug is kicking my butt. I have got to keep chugging along though in hopes that my sweet Haylee won't catch the germs swarming my house. So while I take a break from all that, here's our random pictures from the last month. (I talk like this is a lone effort in keeping the germs away, but Aaron has been by my side in it all the last three days.)

Never thought I would have a thumb sucker. I will admit though, it does come in handy sometimes.

Luckily Haylee will occasionally take a pacifier too.

I don't know why Carter insists on buckling himself up when he sits in Haylee's rocking chair. It is kind of funny though to see him stuck in the baby seat.

I couldn't pick just one! I know that I am biased, but she is so cute!

Congratulations Aaron! We are both enjoying the evenings now that they are homework free!

Carter received a "mystery" note a few weeks ago. We aren't supposed to know who it's from, but I have my suspicions. In case you are having a hard time making it out, let me help...
"Dear Carter, I was seeing if you like your little sister, Haylee. Write a letter back and tell me."
I really enjoy getting mystery notes. They come quite often at our house.

As for our supposed swine flu adventures, I really hope they are winding down at this point.
Our family had a great weekend planned. Including our ward chili cook-off & trunk or treat, going to the pumpkin farm & our Sacrament meeting Primary program at church today. Ha. None of it happened (for the kids anyway).
Olivia was so disappointed to have missed out on such a fun weekend, but she's been a good sport about it. I am looking forward to letting the kids touch and play with Haylee sometime later on this week. I think Haylee is missing the interaction with her older brother and sister too.
I must mention my adventure in getting the H1N1 vaccination. Butler County (where we live) offered a clinic on Friday and Saturday. I apparently didn't know that so many people were crazy about getting vaccinated because I went to the clinic unprepared (to say the least). I hauled Carter & Haylee along with me, got there early and felt prepped with snacks, jackets and umbrellas to stand in the VERY long line for two vaccinations. After 90 minutes and not being 1/2 way through the line yet, the rain picked up, Carter wasn't acting himself, the baby was crying and my back was beginning to burn, I gave up. Not having any water to drink or a stroller to rest the baby carrier on didn't help in the situation either. I felt I had done my best and so we headed home. Shortly after arriving home, Carter started with a little fever. Later that evening, my neighbor called and informed me that she had waited nearly six hours in line to get her family vaccinated. Boy was I glad that I gave up after 90 minutes!
Well, Saturday afternoon finally arrived (it was a very long day!) and I got word that the line wasn't any more then 30 minutes to get vaccinated and so I bopped over to the clinic and sniffed some H1N1 mist. Hope it works!
I won't mention the headache that went into getting that huge bottle of medicine that Olivia is holding. Now Olivia won't have anything to do with it because it tastes so nasty. Anyone need cough medicine? (Thanks anyway, Shellee)

On to Sunday...
Aaron watched kids while I snuck away for the Sacrament meeting Primary program. Then I came home to swap him so he could go and teach Elder's Quorum. The weather was so nice and the kids were going a bit stir crazy (I'm glad to know that my kids CAN get sick of watching television) so I took them all for a walk around the neighborhood and then put them to work! No, really they thought it was so cool to rake the leaves and I thought it was cool for them to get some fresh air.

Haylee hung out with me in the lawn chair. I hope all our efforts to keep Mr. Swine bug away from my baby work!


Amy J said...

I hope Haylee stays healthy! You have been so busy. I love the picture of Carter in the seat. Haylee is the cutest!

Mama D said...

Hoping the rest of you stay healthy! Congrats to Aaron!

You didn't say how the primary program went... I'm sure it was fantastic, as usual. You all do such a great job with the kids!

Vicki Lunt said...

Thanks for the pictures of Haylee. She is darling!

The look on Carter's face when he's stuck in Haylee's bouncy seat reminds me of Aaron when he was little. hahaha! (really disgusted)

Olivia looks better than she sounded on the phone when I talked to her. Glad she and Carter are feeling better (for their sakes and for yours and Aaron's).

Congratulations Aaron on getting your Master's degree. Very proud of you, son. Proud of you, too, Shayleen for supporting Aaron in this endeavor. :-)

The Wageman Clan said...

The swine flu has plagued our family as well. I hope your baby doesn't get it. What a cute family! It looks like you are having a great time!

kbradley said...

So sorry to hear that both Carter and Olivia were sick. I hope the rest of you stay well. Today I got a letter from Jordan's preschool class saying there was someone infected with h1n1. So they sanitized the classroom and asked us to keep our kids home if the started showing symptoms. We all got regular shots, but I hope we escape it.
Miss you guys. Take care and I hope all your laundry and santinations efforts pay off too. :) It's exactly what I would be doing.

Brian and Becky said...

Oh man, I can't believe you guys ended up with all that sickness! And bless your heart for sticking around to help after the chili cook off! I really hope that adorable little Haylee doesn't get sick. BTW, I love her Halloween outfit!

Launa said...

Oh the pictures of the kids are so cute. Little Haylee is changing so much, what a cutie. She looks like some of your baby pictures. I can't believe she likes that thumb. That is a hard one to break. Glad the kids are feeling better.

Aaron we are proud of you and all the effort and hard work you have put in to be where you are today. You are a great husband and dad. Everyone will benifit from all your hard work.

Lori said...

Sorry to hear about the swine flu coming your way. Haylee is so cute.