Monday, March 29, 2010

Catch up

I have tried posting several times in the last few weeks, but blogger and my computer having been cooperating. I must have more patience tonight than usual, because I finished what I started finally. The following pictures are very random and aren't in any order.

Back in October, Aaron put a new storm door on our house. It was our anniversary gift to each other. Obviously the one above is the after and the one below is the before.

I also finally finished painting our bathroom cabinet. Above is the finished product (although we still need to get a nickel faucet) and below is the before.

I turned 30 last month. Aaron and Olivia made a cake (mostly because Olivia couldn't understand why I wouldn't have a cake on my birthday).
Olivia read to me on my birthday. Then let me (continue to) sleep when she was finished.

Olivia has some wild hair at night when we take out all the elastics.

Aaron got me a new camera for my birthday and so we have lots of random pictures as we played around with it.

This picture was a few weeks ago, but it was so nice to see a shadow and have some sunshine after the winter.

Do you think my kids like yogurt?

We've finally been able to get some use out of Santa's Christmas gift! The kids L.O.V.E their "Stinger."

I think Aaron took these pictures before church one Sunday.

Here is the nifty solar oven we purchased back in January. Aaron tried baking brownies when it was 20 degrees outside and it was a flop. I have since baked brownies and a pork roast in it. Yummy! I can't wait to try more things this summer.

My little sweetie! I loved Haylee's little car seat blanket thing, but I'm glad it's gone since Spring is here!


Lori said...

Happy 30th! You don't look too thrilled with that number. :) Who would be right? I like the the storm door and love the painted vanity. I have been wanting to paint ours but am too afraid. How did you get it so that no wood grain showed through. Tell me all the details of how you did, please. I want to do it. I love that last pic of Haylee, simply adorable.

Erin said...

Ooooh! The vanity is beautiful! I want to do it'll have to tell me how. Nice work! ...and Happy Birthday!

Corrie- said...

Such cute pics! Painting bathroom cabinets is on my to do list this summer. Yours turned out great! I especially love the pic of Carter and the yogurt cups, he's having a ball!

Chelseanator said...

Ah ha!!!! I knew your birthday was in February!!!! But you've never mentioned it before!?!?! :] I'm glad you did though so I could at least tell you happy, happy birthday way late! Wow the big 3-0, exciting! You look great! I'm glad you had a nice b-day and got spoiled. I love your painting skills too-it looks awesome. And I love the yogurt cups too-that is so great you save them, wow, what a perfect toy :] And yeah, I love the photo of Haylee-what a cutie! It looks like you guys have been up to lots of fun and have lots of fun and cool toys to keep you happy! Good luck w/ all of your projects too :]

Love, Chelsea

Amy J said...

I love the vanity, it looks so good! Carter is looking so old, Haylee is such a complete doll (she looks fake-she's so cute), and Olivia looks like h ham. I can't wait to see you guys in June. Wooohooo!

Katie Meadows said...

Great job on the cabinet, looks amazing! But my question is, why did you save up that many yogurt cups? It is funny though that he stacked them up like that. You are such an awesome mom!!!

Mama D said...

Hooray for a new post! Thanks for playing catch up. Happy B-day and continue to share the random and fun pics taken with your new camera.

Patty said...

So many great photos!!
Your bathroom vanity turned out great! And that solar oven is awesome!
Your kids are so cute. I love all the pics you post of them!