Sunday, August 07, 2011

More summer and a special boy turns FIVE!

Shortly after our summer break began, I found some yucky bugs while doing Olivia's hair one day. So, we spend a lot of time in front of the TV for the next two weeks as I had to go through Olivia's and Haylee's hair daily to clean it up. That and TONS of laundry as bedding had to be changed everyday. Oh, and lots of vacuuming! Soooooo glad it's over with and hope to NEVER EVER go through that again.

Carter took this fabulous photo of one of our nit picking sessions. Thanks for cutting off my head bud.

One highlight of our summer was the Lemonade stand that Carter and Olivia had. Olivia begged for weeks and was thrilled when I actually said yes. We made some yummy lemonade and chocolate chip cookies and they each made $7 before running out of goods. I told them next year we'll for sure have to have a lot more lemonade. Having a corner lot is good for something at least!

Girls temple trip! I love these. Makes the four hour round trip drive go by much faster.
After our temple trip in July, we got to visit Erin's new house since she lives very close to the temple. Thanks girls for keeping me out until 2:30am!

Olivia loves to 'trick' me with anything she can. After telling her to get dressed, she came out like this and thought it was hilarious.

Olivia with her favorite book...a children's dictionary. She literally spends hours looking through this each week.

Haylee also loves to color. I have to keep an eye on her with those crayons though because she's easily tempted to color on lots of other things besides her coloring pages.

We've been blessed to spend a fair amount of time at our neighbor's pool this year! With all this heat we've had here, the pool is about the only place you want to be when you are outdoors.

Carter has finally got brave this year! He LOVES jumping off the side and he can swim half-way across the pool by himself too.

We had fun one day taking lots of action shots at the pool...

Aaron throwing Olivia.

Olivia 'throwing' Daddy.

Sometimes I wonder if my kids would ever get tired of swimming.

Carter turned FIVE on August 4th! Unfortunately his mother wasn't very good at taking pictures of the fun things we did for his birthday. She's a forgetful lady and always leaves the camera home.

On Carter's birthday, he got to take cupcakes to playgroup and share with his friends and have pizza for dinner. Then the next day (Friday), Aaron stayed home from work and we went to Chuck E Cheese (Carter's pick). It was a great Chuck E Cheese experience. We got there right when they opened, 10am, and were the only ones there for almost an hour. Then we went to get lunch and after dinner had more cupcakes and icecream. He's very excited to be five and start Kindergarten in just a few weeks! We love you buddy!


Mama D said...

Happy Birthday to Carter! Your kids are so adorable.

Great pics from the pool. It is obvious how much your family loves to play in the water!

And I am super jealous of your girls temple trips!! Wish I could join you all.

Amy J said...

I can't wait for you to go to school Carter! You are so old! Those cupcakes sure do look yummy! I would totally pick pizza too.

Lori said...

I can't believe he is 5 and in kindergarten. Happy birthday Carter.