Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Playing in Cincinnati

Well, we got back from our Cincinnati trip last Saturday (May 6th) and it was successful! We found a house to RENT (no, we aren't buying), and each day we hear our neighbors music from the apartment below us, are more excited about a house. We actually found the house early in the trip and so we got to play around for a few days.

This is an invite to Aaron's party - forgot to include this in an earlier post! And yes, Aaron got his grades back this week...the invitation holds true!

We went to Winton Woods after dropping off our deposit on the house on Friday. It has a beautiful path to walk around the lake.

We decided after our walk to get a paddle boat and get out on the water.

Olivia loved hanging over the boat and splashing in the water.

Olivia also loved standing up on the boat while we were peddling!

We have found a new way to fly Olivia for cheap! jk

On Saturday, before our flight left for Atlanta, we went downtown by the Ohio river for some fun. This was the first time I've been able to swing COMFORTABLY with Olivia for a long time (since my hips started getting bigger).

There were lots of caterpillars around and Olivia finally decided she would be brave enough to hold one.

Cincinnati has an obsession with flying pigs!

And here you have it! As of June 1st, this will be our place of residency. It's very tiny (compared to the apartment we are in now), but has a cute back yard and a garage. I'll email our new address to everyone on my email list next week. Or you can email me and let me know if you want it (if you aren't on my email list). I don't want to post the address on our blog because I've recently found out from our ticker that I don't know everyone that looks at this blog:)


Anonymous said...

I want to come visit and see all of these flying pigs!!!!! :]

It looks like another very fun filled trip for sure. You guys look great-all of you!!! That's so cool about the paddle boat, what a fun experience. And the little catapiller is so cute w/ Olivia. She's so funny! I would love to have a swing like that too!

You are going to LOVE, LOVE, being in a house! Its a huge difference and actually take some time to get used to. Even if it is a smaller you've got a garage and that's a man's paradise for fun and a girl's dream for storage-right? hee hee ha ha hee It looks so cute and fun. I'm so glad you included a photo.

We are continually amazed by Aaron's smartness-way to go. Maybe some of it could rub off on us while we go back to school!?!?! Oh I loved how Olivia really loved riding the 'school bus' in the previous post! So adorable! It looks like there will be plenty to do up north too. Best of luck w/ the move, its coming soo soon-Wow!!! Hang in there~*

Love, Chelsea
p.s. could i get your address pretty please!?!?! :]

Johnson Journal said...

Congrats on the house!! It looks like you're having lots of fun "nesting". And everything looks so clean!!! I'm jealous.