Saturday, December 30, 2006


We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas holiday. We loved getting Christmas cards and pictures from so many of our friends and family! I have loved looking at them each time I go to the refrigerater (which is a lot:).
I'll fill you all in on what our last couple of weeks have been full of...
Two days before we flew to Utah to spend Christmas, Olivia came down with a temperature. We hoped that she would shake it before our vacation, it didn't happen. The flight to Utah was stressful. Olivia was very sick. She even threw up on the plane ride into SLC. The day after we arrived at my parent's house in SLC, we took Olivia to the doctor and they diagnosed her with pneumonia. She started feeling better after just one day of being on antibiotics. Unfortunately Olivia's sickness started out as a virus and the rest of us (Carter, myself and Aaron) ended up catching it. Carter had a very wet cough along with other symptoms. Shellee helped us watch him carefully to be sure that he didn't get pneumonia too.
So the first couple of days in Utah were spent lounging out on my parent's couch. We planned lots of visits with friends and family, but had to miss many of them.
We did get to visit Aaron's grandma, and a couple of his Aunt's (& their families). Unfortunately, I was busy with trying to keep Olivia from coughing on all the family and Carter's nose wiped, that I didn't get any pictures of those visits.
We also got to visit my siblings families. We had a great Christmas vacation even though our sleep was very limited (Thanks to Carter waking up quite often). We do hope that our next trip to Utah won't be so full of sickness though.
Oh, the flight was good! We gave Carter some Benedryl so that he wouldn't have to deal with the sinus pain from air pressure changes and, of course, he slept much of the time too. Olivia enjoyed the DVD player and take off (it's her favorite part of the flight).
Here are the pictures...

Before we left for Utah, Olivia got to decorate some sugar cookies by herself. She loved it!

Her work of art. Notice the yellow snow man?

There was lots of snow in Utah to enjoy - Olivia LOVED playing outside in it and froze my dad because she did not want to come inside. (The gloves were supplied by my dad:)

We finally got to see Shonte' and her family after being in Utah for five days.

Grandma Harper & Carter.

Max & Olivia

Olivia & her play dough fingernails.

Olivia loved playing with all the play dough toys that my mom supplied.

Olivia even got to open a birthday present before Christmas. Thanks Rachelle! Olivia is a very Pretty Pretty Princess!

Olivia and some of her cousins ready for the big family photo.

The Johnson Family has a Christmas Party every year on the 24th.
Carter is enjoying all the attention from Brandon & Shonte'.

My dad, Shellee & Tony

My sister, Shonte', and my cousin, Rachelle

Brandon & Carter

Rachelle & Amy loving on Carter. I always knew where he was when they were around.

Olivia dressed as an Angel for the pageant.

Kylan was Joseph, Kendra was Mary, Max was a shepherd & Kelton was a wiseman.

Our Christmas Eve celebrations continued at Grandma Harper's house.

Christmas morning

One of the first presents that Olivia opened was a camera. She loved thinking that she was taking pictures of everyone.

Oh, a prince!

"Oh goodie - something to poke my little brother's eyes out with!"

Aaron got to open some presents up too...that were addressed to Carter. hehe

My dad...collecting all the wrapping paper.

Olivia dumping out all the goodies in her stocking.

Brandon is getting closer to opening up the box that had his car keys.

Brandon is heading to the garage to check out his wheels!

He doesn't know what kind of car it is, but he's thrilled to know that it's his!

Back inside...Olivia laughed so hard when she made her Barbie and Prince kiss. We all "Eewed" & said, "Gross," which is why she laughed so hard!

Olivia is now one of Barbie's 12 Dancing Princesses!

We love you and will miss you very much Justin Taylor Oveson!


Unknown said...

Hey, I love all the pictures!! I had so much fun spending time with you guys. I miss those two cute kids so much. I am really glad we all got to see each other, it had been awhile. Love and miss you all!!! Rachelle

Anonymous said...

Oh wow! I'm sorry its taken me so long to post you a comment! I'm so glad you guys made the trip out here for Christmas but I'm soooo very sorry you all got sick-that's the worse ever! We were sick last year and it was aweful but it looks like you guys still managed to have a great time. I hope so :] It looks sooo full of family and lots of cuteness! I hope you are all doing great and have a fantastic new year! No worries about not seeing us-it was so insane for us too-yikes! Maybe next time :]

Love you lots, Chelsea