Thursday, May 31, 2007

You may want to have a doggie bag close...

This is so GROSS! So...Aaron had the project on Saturday of changing our light switches and plates (putting in nice, clean, white, rocker switches to replace the old, very dirty ones). He got to the kitchen and was having a difficult time pulling out one of the switches. I told him that I thought there was possibly an old hornet's nest behind the switch because I could see something with a honeycomb look to it. Well, Aaron pulled hard enough and out came THIS...........

Yes, folks, that is the skeleton and a few fringed feathers of a dead BIRD! You can see the beak now, can't you? What in the world? Aaron and I came to the conclusion that the only way a bird could get back there is for someone to purposely put it in there. So I guess some pretty crazy things went on in this house that we now own. Hmmm? Okay, I need to move on to some better subjects because I am still feeling the need to GAG!

My beautiful family. Olivia has been going to nursery (the children's class at our church) all by herself and it's a miracle. Never in 24 months has she willingly done that. We are on a 3 week roll and I don't want to jinx it.

Olivia is somewhere way down in the covers sleeping. This is how she sleeps at night and boy does she wake up sweaty! This was a coversation with her on Saturday morning:
Aaron: "Why do you sleep with the covers over your head?"
Olivia: "So I don't get hit."
Aaron: "By what?"
Olivia: "By the wall."

Poor thing...she thinks the wall has been hitting HER this entire time. I wonder when she'll realize that it's actually the wall that suffers from hard blows every night.

Olivia was so excited to have her hair done in pig tails for the first time. She kept saying, "It's bumpy."

Olivia got into the pop-its this Memorial Day. She had a hard time getting many of them to pop by throwing them though. She was excited when I showed her how to stomp on them with her foot to make them pop.

Olivia's friend (the one on the right side of the picture) had the most fun with the pop-its though.

1 comment:

Will and Natalie Giddens said...

I just read/showed Will your post and he laughed out loud at Olivia's wall comment. Congrats on her solo nursery-going! Hope it keeps up.

Shayleen, your kids are too cute! Carter is shaping up to quite the little man these days. Oh, and you'll be pleased to know your last post inspired me to finally let Will cut Everett's hair with the clippers. It looks soooo much better! I'll post pictures of it soon.