Sunday, July 15, 2007


I can't think of a clever title for this post.
Spare moments this week have been taken up by leveling our compost pile that was left for us by previous owners. Aaron has done an excellent job with that and he's nearly ready to take on the task of moving our shed to the back corner of yard. (Previous owners put it in the middle of the yard so they wouldn't have to walk "so far" to get the lawn mower out of it.)
Olivia also finished up her swim lessons this week and when I asked her if she wanted to sign up for the next level, she politely declined.
Carter is learning something new all the time. He gives great juicy kisses and can "ROAR" like a lion.
I'm addicted to yard sales again. I found Olivia a grocery cart last week and Carter enjoys it just as much as she does.

Aaron helps me catch a few more minutes of zzz's on Sunday mornings by waking up with Carter. Aaron is lucky enough to get Carter back to sleep nearly every time though. (side note: since Aaron wakes up "early" with Carter, he takes a needed nap before church;)

Anytime Olivia's clothes are laying around, Carter gravitates to them. It scares Aaron, but gives me a good laugh. (Olivia's skirt is on his head)

Of course, anything that draws attention to Carter, Olivia has to try too:)

Like I said...Anything that draws attention to Carter, Olivia has to try too. Carter always finds the cupboard first, and Olivia has to cram herself in there with him. You can tell by the picture who enjoys it most.

One last trip to the zoo for the summer for some Elephant helps improve my looks though, don't you think?

While at the zoo, we attended a funny bird show. Olivia seemed pretty entertained.

Carter enjoyed the birds too!


Leslie said...

I love your blog. It is always full of pictures and fun commentary. I am impressed with all of the work you guys have done and continue to do on your house and yard. If you ever get done and are bored, we have LOTS of projects we could let you do. : ) Your children are so darling!!

Corrie- said...

Shayleen, your commentary is so funny, I'm giggling here at my house. I always seem to get lots of elephant fanny pics too! I agree with Leslie, your house is too cute. Let us know if we can help with the shed. That's what neighbors are for!

Meadows Family said...

I love yard sales...Kendra & I go together for alone time. :) Carter looks so precious sleeping with his Daddy and Olivia is adorable like always! It looks like she is a great big sister.

Meadows Family said...

By the look good, you are so stinkin' skinny!

Cheril Lunt said...

The joys of having 2... You never have a dull moment. We sure do miss having you guys close by...

Anonymous said...

Oh I'm so glad!!!
Your blog only lets me get on with one of our computers, weird?, and we never have it on until tonight! So I'm always so curious if you have posted! :]

I love your blog too. The photos are sooo adorable and funny. I absolutly LOVE 'garbage sales' as we call them, but you seriously find the best finds. Carter is just too precious and Olivia is just a crack up. They are so cute. You look so beautiful too! I'm glad you are having fun at the zoo and at home. Hopefull you'll get in more swimming lessons too :] so funny. That is CRAZY LAZY about the shed, oh my. Good luck w/ all of your projects-they are so fun especially when they are DONE! :]

Take care!
Love, Chelsea

Cami Garcia said...

very cute pic's guys. Cute family. Glad to here everyone is getting along well. Take care and keep in touch.

Angel Garcia