Thursday, December 06, 2007

water and SNOW!

I often find Carter in the bathroom doing something that he probably shouldn't be. No, not playing in the toilet (THANK GOODNESS)...
Standing on top of the toilet, leaning over the sink, turning the (cold) water on,

and fixing his own hair.

Yesterday we received our first snow of the season. From the moment Olivia woke up, she was so excited to get outside and play in it. Finally at 8:30am, I couldn't hold her back any longer!

Carter wanted to be out there too, but he had to wait until the afternoon.

They had lots of fun being pulled around the yard in the sled.

My little snow angel.

I don't think the sled moved an inch.

I even had fun "sledding" around the yard (with two kids on my lap).


Robyn said...

I love, love, love it all. Especially Carter doing his hair and Carter's snow pants. Ha! Where are the moon boots? I miss the snow! (I'm sure you miss the no-snow...but enjoy it while you can!) It looks like a very fun day.

martha corinna said...

That looks like great snow.
My husband would never pull me on the sled.

Meadows Family said...

How fun is that...what a blast to have snow. We are still wondering around in shorts during the day. Looks like you had a blast, my kids would love snow too!

Steve and Jamie said...

I can't even get Allison to comb her own hair. I love that Carter wants to do it on his own. So cute!

AJ said...

You are bravier that me, Jeremy was driving me crazy about the whole snow thing and I made him wait until his dad came home.(I am so mean and so afraid of the cold!) They had a blast, and I was able to get a ton done. I am glad you all had fun too.

Cassie Rakes said...

Those pictures as sooo cute!!!! Hallie and Carter need to hook up. Whenever I can't find her, she is standing on the pot, too. I never got to make it outside so I am a little envious of all you great moms that get out there.

Launa said...

Looks like everyone had a great day in the snow. Utah got hit with a big snow storm on saturday. It looks so pretty on the branchs of the trees. Looks like Carter is getting ready for the girls. My little man is so handsome! Olivia I love the little snow angel you made

Anonymous said...

Yeah for snow filled fun days! Those are the best for sure and provide such lasting moments. Nothing like wearing out your kids too, and you too :] So fun! Those wet photos of Carter are so darn cute too, what a hunk! I'm so glad you guys are having so much fun. Keep enjoying and hope you are staying safe and warm from all those ice storms!!!! Hope finals are finished soon too-good luck!!!

Love, Chelsea

Anonymous said...

Carter is so funny. I love that he likes doing his hair. I love that the kids have so much fun not really sledding.

Fordney said...

I can't believe how much Olivia looks like you!!! Be grateful that Carter isn't playing in the toliet- Owen is constantly trying to flush things down there!

Leslie said...

What darling pictures! I LOVE Carter doing his hair! How cute! Your children are so beautiful!

Mama D said...

Your kids have the most adorable eyes! I'd love to have their eyelashes. What a fun time you guys had together!