Our little 10x10 garden has been putting out the veggies! Almost everday last week I was able to bring in an armful like this.
We are so lucky to have a beautiful pool next door. Our neighbors are so kind to let us swim almost anytime we want.
I would have laid down on the couch to snooze, but Aaron was busy reading....a book that had nothing to do with engineering!
Olivia got a hold of the camera again and these are some of the great shots she came up with (including that one above of Aaron reading).
Olivia laughed so hard when she was showing me these pictures of her nose and mouth. It was so cute.
She's becoming quite the photographer. haha (And obviously taking lessons from our friend, Ken, on how to cut off the head's.)
Nope! The van isn't fixed. Nope! This isn't a picture of our new car.
The van is at the shop waiting to be repaired. In the mean time, I am hooked up with a rental car just like the one above...it's fine, but I do miss my van!
The goggles...so cute! My boys love to swim with goggles...unfortunately they are always losing them, so we go through multiple pairs a year. The veggies...I am SO impressed! I really need to plant a garden. I'm not sure how well it would survive here. If it did grow at all, I think it would surely be eaten by bugs and deer. Maybe next year I'll give it a whirl...
Those Veggies look delicious. YOu have quite the little green thumb! I Olivia's swimming googles she looks adorable!
Love Olivia in her goggles! Jason's kids always want goggles, too. The girls seems to have mastered the use of them finally, but Braden always begs for a pair, but not sure he does as well with them as his sisters. If you don't buy the more expensive kind they break easily I've found.
Glad your neighbors let you come and swim. They just are so nice aren't they? Maybe one day we'll get to meet them!
How long til you get your van fixed? Glad you have a rental til then, but know you do miss your van.
Yummy veggies from your garden! We are getting quite a bit from our garden right now (tomatoes and squash at least).
Ha Ha. Sydney was the SAME way with the goggles and begged and begged for some and now doesn't even wear them. BUT, I got them at the dollar store, so it wasn't a big deal. I know what you mean about pictures of yourself. I have to make people take my picture b/c I'm the only one who is usually taking pictures!!! Your kids are so cute!
Isn't it so much fun to get things out of the garden everyday. Olivia sure is cute in her goggles.
Hope you get your van back soon.
what is the floatie thing that both Olivia and Carter are in?
I'll let Ken know that his photography skills are equal to those of a 4 year old. He'll be so proud.
Hope you get your van back soon.
That is so nice you guys can go use your neighbors pool anytime. I wish we had that option. I love that your music always goes with your post. Your so funny.
Hey, cutting coupons is hard work! You deserve that well-earned break! Cute pics of the kids. Hope you get your van back soon.
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