Tuesday, August 05, 2008

My birthday boy & his checks

Carter turned TWO yesterday! Hooray! It was a low-key, fun-filled day for my little guy.
Lots of pics to prove it...are you seated comfortably?
I got brave last Saturday and had Aaron turn Carter's crib into a toddler bed. No more crib for my big boy! I was so scared I would deeply regret this decision, but it's been okay so far. Carter absolutely loves his big boy bed!

Carter got some seriously big ($$) checks this year! Spoiled! I had fun spending them though ;)

He totally understood that whatever was in that envelope was his!

Hooray! He liked his card so much that he took it to the store with him later that day. Side note: Grammy Lunt gets nervous sending checks because she's afraid her grandchildren will have the same reaction that Aaron had when he was young...Aaron once got a check as a gift from someone and got pretty sad/upset because he thoughy it was a bill! No worries here though.

We've been practicing holding up two fingers for weeks now but it's still a difficult task for Carter to conquer on his own. He's concentrating quite hard to hold the right fingers up.

Carter started off his birthday right. I pretty much let him eat what he wanted. So, for breakfast: chex mix, raisins, fruit snacks, fudge covered chocolate chip granola bar and then filled in the gaps with milk.

So happy to be eating fruit snacks for breakfast!

For lunch: a few french fries, a little ketchup, some sprite, a dum dum sucker and then once again, topped it off with milk.

Olivia tried hard to convince Carter that it was okay to sit in Ronald's lap, but he wanted nothing to do with the clown!

He was just happy to keep his distance from the crazy dude.

My new desk top background :)

During Carter's nap time, Olivia and I were busy making his baseball birthday cupcakes.

Please tell me that you can see which two Olivia finished by herself!

Olivia then finished up all the wrapping.

Olivia is a pro at taping up every place where you might start to rip a present open. Carter somehow figured it out though.

When Carter woke up from his nap, he was ready to unwrap presents. Luckily I was able to hold him off until Aaron got home from work. Once Aaron walked through the door though, instead of running to Daddy for hugs (his normal routine), he ran straight to the presents and started to rip. It was a dash to get the camera ready because there was no holding him back!

Figuring out Olivia's tape jobs.

Enjoying more presents~

I know most of you are thinking, "an umbrella and sunglasses for a two year-old?" Well, he loves anything his older sister has and to pull him away from all things pink, he gets his own...sunglasses and umbrella.

Nothing pink about these bad boys...boxer brief's! He's supposed to be showing his muscles, but instead all I see is a Buddha belly!

Where's your bum Carter?

This is Olivia's card that she made for him... so cute!

Oh and don't forget dinner: only cold icecream and a cupcake! And milk! We all sat down to eat dinner and he would have nothing to do with it...just kept pointing to the cupcakes on the counter. Oh well.

He finished off his birthday by doing cannon balls with Daddy in the neighbors pool.

Happy Birthday Buddy!


Anonymous said...

You are always so good to leave comments on mine, and I love reading them, so I'm going to start leaving them on yours! LOVE the pictures! I can't believe he is 2 years old already!! I love Olivia's "Rs", they look like Braden's people he draws! They just need some eyes! Happy Birthday Carter!

Steve and Jamie said...

Happy Birthday to the little man! I love, love, love the pictures. Allison and I had so much fun looking at them.

Vicki Lunt said...

Bella wants to say something...she says: "Olivia's 'R's' looks like balloons with two strings attached to them." Olivia is just a doll. I just can't stand not being around her like in the old days. Maybe one of these days we can come see you in Ohio. :-)

Savannah wants to say somethings also..."Carter's pictures are so cute. I love the one where you said about his "bum bum!" I love and miss you guys. Happy birthday to my cousin, Carter!

Now it's my turn (Grammy)...darling, darling pictures. Carter looks so old. Can't believe he's two years old. Can't wait to see him in three weeks.

Olivia's cupcakes look sooooo good (Shayleen--were they the ones on the right side? jk! tee hee!). She is a great chef in the making. That picture of the two of them is priceless. Would like to get a copy of that one made.

Glad our little Carter man had a good b'day and that he didn't mistake his b'day $$ check for a "bill!" Whoo....that's always such a relief!!!! :-)

Vicki/Mom/Grammy/Bella and Savannah this post as well...

Cheril Lunt said...

HaPpY BiRtHdAy CARTER... We sure miss ya down here...

The Wacky Wilkins said...

SO cute!!! What a big boy you have! And smart. How in the world is he potty trained before two? I couldn't even do that with Bryndee and girls are supposed to be quicker at that!! Tips? Secrets? Beatings? What's the key?

Katie Meadows said...

Oh my heck, he's 2! Wow, time flies by so fast. I love that you put his big bed boy together, good luck with that! I am sure you will have much better luck than I did...I'm just a sucker for my kiddies sleeping with me now! (bad...) Well it looks like Carter had a great birthday! Loved the pics so much!!!

cathy said...

I love all the pictures! Your kids are beautiful! They grow up fast-time to have another, right?

J-ME said...

Looks like you guys had such a fun day! Potty Training Tips???
Your cupcakes turned out really cute!

Mama D said...

Has it really been 2 years?! What a great b-day Carter had!! Looks like a whole day full of fun!

Lori said...

Happy Birthday Carter. He is just adorable. He seems like he has the cutest personality. He got some great gifts. I can't believe how old Olivia looks now also. Your kids are so old Shayleen..

Brittanie said...

I love the song to go with the post! Looks like he had a great birthday!
Happy B-Day Carter...2 years goes by fast doesn't it?

chelle said...

I can't believe Carter is two. Happy Birthday!! Looks like it was a great one.

Jennie Freakin' Wilder said...

Those pictures are darling. Your kids are beautiful.