With rising costs of EVERYTHING, we've been trying to look at different ways of we can save money. Who knew that there were so many stay-at-home mommies trying to do that very same thing...that BLOG about it?!
Here are a few things that I've done (with some helpers):
I've learned what freezes good and what isn't good after it's been frozen. I may need a deep freeze if we get a bigger garden though ;) (btw, squash does NOT taste good at all after it's been frozen.)
Cincinnati shoppers:
Oh, and would you believe that I only paid $0.25 out of pocket at CVS for all that stuff in the picture? Easy Care Bucks rock!
A girl after my own heart! It's like cocaine for me, to save money. I've decided that once the boys are in school next week that I'm going to start trying to figure out the whole Walgreens/CVS thing, it sounds fantastic! I was so excited yesterday to use a $1 coupon on an item that only cost 60 cents! AND I had 3 of them, woohoo! It's funny what gets you all excited as you get older!
I can't believe you spent so little for all of that. You are amazing. I went to a square foot gardening class at education week and really want to do a garden next year also. Thanks for the great tips.
Wow, go you Shayleen. 25 cents. I might have to try that since I have both with in walking distance.
And isn't the gardening a little addicting, I thought I would hate it by now, and all I can think about is what I want to do next year. BTW, have you tried the freezing tomatoe thing yet. My mother in law said she just sticks them in the freezer with out peeling Whole? who new.
Have you tried canning yet? We had an enrichment meeting on canning and it totally got me wanting to plant a garden and grow tons of veggies and CAN THEM!!! I know, one step at a time, but you already have the garden and the veggies! You should seriously start busting out the Bell jars!! BTW, those garden vegetables are amazing!! I'm muy impressed!!!
I need another battery deal, I am running low :) I can't wait to have a house to grow a garden, Kendra wants to so bad. Great job on that shopping trip. I had a CVS trip yesterday where my total was
-$0.15 so she made me buy something else.... :( There were people waiting so I had to grab the first thing I saw...so I took what was in Kaylie's hand and my total ended up $0.46, I didn't like that at all!!!LOL
I wanna know your trick for growing veggies in such interesting shapes!! Sounds like you've got the system down for CVS and Walgreens!
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