Monday, October 27, 2008

Gold Swirly Doorknobs

Oh how I used to hate these gold swirly doorknobs! That all changed at about 3pm this afternoon.

At about that time, Carter went into Olivia's room and locked the door. Problem. We had bought a cute new brushed nickel doorknob for Olivia's door and we were planning to change all the other gold swirly doorknobs to match in the days to come. I really liked that new doorknob until Carter went into that room and locked the door.

Let's just say that it was literally impossible to unlock Olivia's door from the outside. So after 45 minutes and trying every bribe in the book to get him to come out I recruited my neighbor to help me out. (He was able to get in within a few minutes...Olivia no longer has a doorknob though.)

Did I mention that we've been potty training? Yes, he was in underwear and yes, the room was really stinky when we finally got the door open and yes, I'm sure that is why he wasn't about to unlock that door and let me in on his own. Cloth diapers would never last in our house because all it took was this one accident and Carter's underwear ended up in the trash!

Another factor in the misbehaving of Carter was that there was no nap taken that afternoon. So after that big ordeal, he finally zonked out on the couch.

Well, I luckily made it through the day. Or should I say, Carter made it through the day (alive)?
Here are a few other archived pictures of Carter's craziness.
Kissing my very clean (ha) mirror while laying on my very clean (ha) bathroom floor.

Thank goodness for washable markers and thankgoodness it wasn't on my walls (this time. Believe me, I have marker waiting to be washed off my walls right now).

As for the new doorknobs, we'll probably be going back to the gold swirly doorknobs that can easily be unlocked by an adult from the hallway (low stress doorknobs).


Meadows Family said...

What fun! I feel like I have a few too many days that end up like that....Kaylie now locks her bedroom door EVERY time she goes in there....she can unlock it fine, but it takes her forever to want to unlock it for you....needless to say she's been spending lots of time in time out this last week :) The fun of toddlers!

Robyn said...

Oh man. Agreed about poopy underwear. Sometimes you can salvage it and sometimes you can't. I threw a pair away once when Jacob was potty training and Matt was stunned I I told him he was more than welcome to clean it if it was that important. Some messes just shouldn't be messed with.

Best of luck with that unbelievably good looking piece of trouble making.

Kayla said...

Oh my! What a day. I hope you were able to relax in a nice warm bath interruption-free last night!

Mama D said...

What a day! Kudos to your wonderful neighbor. Glad you all survived relatively intact...

Sarah said...

Holy Moly! I would have had a panic attack. I'm glad you're all still alive.

Cassie Rakes said...

So I LOVE The bad boys song.
Sorry about all that went down, somedays are definitely worse than others.

kbradley said...

so funny! Carter sure is giving you a run for your money. Wonder what he'll be like as a teenager...
Oh- leave Dec.6th open, Jordan is having a B-day party.

martha corinna said...

Good to know gold door knobs are good for something.
Thanks for being a faithful friend.

Amy J said...

what a little stinker! ha ha. i would have been stressing out. love the marker. i remember kelton getting green crayon all over our couch.

Sylvia said...

We think alike, lady! I always say, It's worth it to throw away a $.75 pair of underwear, then have to go digging with your fingernails to clean it up--GROSS!! ha ha ha!

Lori said...

So sad that the doorknobs had to go. That is a good reminder of what kind to get when we are ready to replace ours. It is also good to see that Carter is a normal kid and can be mischievous like most boys, although I am sure you would be happy to do without that.

Our Sweet Life said...

The picture of the garbage is great! There is nothing worse than poopy underwear. For all of his trouble he is still as adorable as ever.