Friday, October 17, 2008

IND to SLC - 2008

We had a great time and little Olivia shed a lot of tears when it was time to return to Ohio. She keeps reminding me that "it can't be a lot of days until we go back."
I was in Utah with the kids for two weeks and Aaron was there for the first week of that. My dad had knee surgery the day we flew into town. Wasn't planned, but very necessary (sad triad). My parents are also remodeling their home and so Aaron was able to help move furniture around. It's kind of nice to help since we always feel like we are waited on hand and foot when we go there ;) We seemed to keep busy from the moment we landed...
The first morning we woke up could be compared to Christmas with all the new toys to play with!

Olivia doesn't need new toys (thank goodness). Just let her imagination run wild in a kitchen with Grandma there to help her bake what she wants and this is what she's come up with: a frosted cake (made with bread and melted chocolate chips).

Oh what fun a trampoline would be at our house!

Olivia Lunt, Max Carter, Carter Lunt. Olivia couldn't believe that Max's last name was Carter!

One great thing about being from Utah is that most of Aaron's extended family lives in Utah too. So, we always get to visit Grandma Lunt and other Aunt's and Uncles. Olivia loved baby Ryker.

Chad entertaining the kids. And boy, do I mean entertaining! They had SO much fun playing with all the "adults." hehe

Such a fun fam'!

Before we left for Utah, we went to a parade here in Ohio. It's take awhile for that parade impression to ware off of Carter and Olivia. So, at Grandma's they had to have a parade! Marching up and down (and up and down and up and down) the hallway.

This parade even threw candy at me (the spectator).

Olivia bakes some more in Grandma's kitchen...she loved this...

She baked a cake for Sam's first birthday and Amy (Sam's mommy) was so kind to let him eat it before his actual birthday party.

Aren't big brother's the best?

Shellee and Carter watching the cake get eaten.

Ah heck, everybody - let's eat cake!

The remains of Olivia's cake for Sam.

Olivia was thrilled that Sam liked it.

Sunday morning! Amy, Shad (my bro), me and Aaron...outside the Conference Center.

Spiritually Fed people! Conference was so good!

The kids had so much fun in some of Shellee's shoes! We had our own little cat walk.

Ky really enjoyed it ;)

Unlike his little bro.

Olivia loves silly cousins to play with!

It's not often that we get to be around for a cousin's birthday. How fun to be there for Sam's first birthday! Isn't chocolate cake great?

For FHE we went to Gardner Village in SLC. My smart self forgot the camera and so I had to snap a few poor shots with my cell phone. It was such a fun place (thanks for the recommendation JG.)

Gardner Village was full of really fun shops.

I know you can't see Timpanogos mountain in the background because of the clouds, but the view is amazing! Especially when they are snow capped.

Before taking Aaron to the airport so he could return to work and school in Ohio, we stopped by the Mt. Timpanogos temple to show Olivia where we were married.

After dropping Aaron off at the airport, I continued north to visit my favorite college roommates. Jennie freakin' Wilder and Sarah Fordney Hunsaker! Good times!

My mom treated all the grandkids to Kangaroo Zoo! Carter and Olivia loved it. I got a great workout trying to keep track of where they both were.

My last Saturday there, we went to Shonte's house and played. The kids made little Halloween crafts. We got this pumpkin idea from Family Fun magazine.

Max did his own thing.



My mom got some new reading glasses and so we all had to try them ;) (ha)

I love getting to visit all my family when I go to Utah, but I also love the good eats there. Taco Amigo, Los Hermanos, and Panda Express, (we don't have one close enough here) and pink sauce...ahhh...yummy! I also LOVE pinenuts. I found out that Carter and Olivia love them too. My fingers were starting to hurt from cracking so many of them to keep up with their demands. One other things I love about Utah is that it always seems easier to find CUTE, modest clothing there. Especially in my little sisters closet.

Olivia was on top of the world when (my SIL) Amy let her feed little Sam.

Olivia was quite the entertainer. She put on several shows per night filled with lots of bows for the cheering crowd:

Luckily I got some entertainment I hadn't seen before...Max impersonating Stever Erkel. I'm actually surprised that a few of the younger generation know who that guy is!

Thanks to everyone for the good time in Utah. Such great memories. Now it's back to the grind and normal life. Lots to do after being gone for two weeks....


Amy J said...

we miss you already! it was so much fun seeing you. thanks for coming out to visit.

Anonymous said...

Looks like you had a wonderful trip! Thanks for sharing with all the pictures. We look foward to when you come in Deceomber!!


J-ME said...

IT looks like you had a great time! I bet your kids loved playing with cousins. Cousins are the best! You'll have to tell your mom hello. She is the nicest!
I loved their little chocolate bread cake!

Corrie- said...

What a fun trip! I bet you're so rejuvenated and ready for the Primary Program! It looks like your whole clan had a blast. Glad you're back!

cathy said...

I'm glad you guys had so much fun! You look great, and your kids are beautiful!!

Robyn said...

You guys are fun, fun, fun!

Congratulations on your whirlwind Utah trip.

Brittanie said...

What a fun trip! I LOVE Gardner's Village, we have been twice in the last 2 weeks, crazy if we would have seen you there.
Awesome pictures and a good one with Ryker, I haven't seen him yet.
Good to know I am not the only one that LOVES pine nuts and have soggy soaked, cracked fingers from eating them too much.
Now you need a vacation from the vacation. ;)

Fordney said...

So many fun pictures. Olivia is quite a little character. She is so cute. I am glad that you chose that awesome picture of us- WE are some Hot Mommas! It was great seeing you, I just wish we could do it more often. Love ya'

Mama D said...

What a fun trip! I'm glad you had the 2 weeks to see family and friends. Now you're back to reality. Can't wait for the Pri program next week. Y'all work hard and do such a great job with our kids!

Jennie Freakin' Wilder said...

I love you shaylene. Your family is great also. I am glad we got to get together while you were out here.

Lori said...

We are so glad we got to see you but sad that it was for such a short time. Sorry for the unexpected drop-in. I hate that Tyson does that and doesn't call first. It looks like you guys had a ton of fun. I love the pumpkin idea. Come back soon. Your kids are adorable.

Launa said...

Thanks for coming to Utah. Just looking at the pictures makes me cry and miss you already. Thanks for the best two weeks of this whole year. I love and miss all of you.

Our Sweet Life said...

Olivia always looks so cute and her hair is always done to perfection! How fun that you, Sarah, and Jennie were able to get together. You guys look great! Looks like you had a great time in Utah!