I've been trying to think of things I could update with for the past few days now and I'm still not coming up with much of anything creative. I really don't have any pictures and so this could be quite boring.
Although we haven't had anything real exciting going on, we are so glad that things are just going smoothly for the most part.
Aaron only has two weeks of class left before finals this quarter. I know he is looking forward to moving back upstairs (he does 90% of his studying downstairs so he's less distracted). He'll still be working on his thesis in order to graduate, but we're hopeful that it will all be done with before the baby comes in June. GE continues to treat us well even with all the economic changes. We are so blessed that Aaron has such a great job.
Olivia gets smarter by the day. She's always writing things and asking me how things are spelled. She's getting better about sounding things out on her own though: Olivia spends a good portion of her days sitting at the kitchen table with her scissors, tape, crayons, paper, etc. I am always getting "mail" from her filled with loves notes. I certainly haven't ignored the fact that her and Carter are playing together a lot better these days too.
Carter just warms my heart. When he's well rested, he is a joy to be around. He talks in full sentences and calls his big sister by her real name (not "Mee-Mee"). I do think his favorite person is his daddy though. Carter still wakes up before 6am most mornings and since I honestly can't get up that early anymore, he watches more Disney than I'm going to admit to. He's making up for it though by getting closer and closer to being potty trained.
I am doing great and feel guilty (sometimes) for having such easy pregnancies. Third trimester symptoms have come a bit earlier than I remember them coming in the past though. I could easily take a two hour nap every afternoon, my sense of smell is is off and I'm starting to look at bedroom closets with that "nesting" feeling (aka, it needs to be organized BEFORE the baby gets here). Not to mention that I've gained record weight this pregnancy and so my clothes are becoming uncomfortably tight already. Please don't think I'm complaining though...I'm not. Life is good.
I leave you with the link to my new favorite You Tube video:
This is a work of art if you ask me! (Love ya Robyn!)