Thursday, March 19, 2009

Olivia's got skin

I have really been bad about taking pictures lately. I can blame that on being tired all the time, right? I have remembered to write down some of the fun things that Olivia has said lately though...

** While I was doing Olivia's hair one morning last week she asked me a question that I had to be careful with. "Mommy, am I skinny?" My mind was quickly trying to come up with a place where she might have heard this because we really don't use that word around our house. So I asked her, "Do you know what skinny means?"

Olivia quickly answered, "Yes. It means you have lots of skin."

Oh, well then, sure! You are skinny ;)

** Olivia was styling Aaron's hair on Sunday morning. She had combed and combed for quite awhile when she stopped to tell Aaron this: "You have a hole in the back of your head."
She was referring to his cowlick.

** While I was doing some ironing earlier this week, Olivia came downstairs and asked, "When you are 40, are you a teenager or a grown-up?" I let her know that 40 would probably be considered a grown-up. She responded with, "Oh, so all I have to do is wait until I'm 40 and then I'll be a grown-up?"

Yup. Sure.

It didn't end there though.

Olivia then asked me if I have been 40 yet.


Vicki Lunt said...

Kids say the darndest things huh? Glad you wrote those down so you could share with all of us!

Hannah made a "funny" the other day. She was looking at the white porcelain statue on my coffee table. She pointed to the "people" of the statue and she said,"This is Joseph, this is Mary" and then she pointed to the baby and said, "But I don't know who this baby is!!" I was so impressed she knew Joseph and for sure thought she would know Baby Jesus. But, nope! She's a funny girl!! :-)

Cheril Lunt said...

haha... i love when they say random things.

chelle said...

too cute! :)

Kayla said...

LOL that is funny. I can't wait till Shelby can talk in sentences and ask funny questions.

heather said...

Well yay that means I'm skinny too! I love the things that come out of kids mouths.

martha corinna said...

I love the skinny one. So cute.

Mama D said...

Cute comments! 40 isn't so bad...

Amy J said...

those are great "olivia-isms"