Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Random Pics

Since I'm hoping that our next post will be a birth announcement, here are the random pictures that I haven't gotten around to posting for the past few months. (Don't expect that birth announcement for at least another week though ;)

Olivia started soccer a few months ago. Being the smallest one on her team (but not the youngest), she had a hard time keeping up with the ball, but she's improved and most importantly, she really enjoyed playing.

We let Carter play in the rain last month. He had a blast splashing in a big puddle that collects by one of our down spouts. I was afraid I had started something, but we haven't had any problems of him trying to sneak out during rain storms to play.

I took the kids to Parky's Farm one Friday in May and it was lots of fun. We got to watch them shear a sheep, the kids got to pet and brush the goats,

and they got to catch a fish. Olivia was most excited for this and it happened so quickly that she was a bit disappointed it was all over so fast.

Olivia has been wanting to do her own hair in the mornings. Luckily, she still let's me do it before we go into public. She also made this shirt for her baby sister. One side is fabric and the other side is paper.

I told Carter to go and get some socks from his drawer last Saturday. I had a feeling that I should have gotten them myself...should have followed that feeling. He was so excited about his "Halloween socks find" that we just let it be for the day.
(Wow, I must be almost 10 months pregnant or something with all the stuff my kids are getting away with lately ;)

Olivia picked this song...she loves to sing along with the chorus.


Will and Natalie Giddens said...

Well I'm glad you posted something. I've been checking your blog every day waiting for the news that you've had your little girl. Good luck waiting out these last few days! I'm sure you'll have a great (and fast and easy) labor and delivery. :-)

martha corinna said...

Good luck on the birth announcement thing! I'll be checking back.

Cheril Lunt said...

I am having a hard time waiting too.. It is so exciting to have another lunt girl added to family. we can't wait to meet baby xxxooo... Love ya guys. Oh and Hannah says "I am excited Shaylene wont have a big bump anymore" I asked her why and she said "cause she looks funny"... lol kids are funny. and we don't think you look funny either. Let the countdown begin ;)

Chelseanator said...

Oh I'm excited and anxious too! I'm wishing you the very best too and can't wait for the next post and especially to find out what you name her (i love hearing baby names!)

Your kids are so cute, no matter what they do or wear. That farm looked like lots of fun and very cool. Olivia is the CUTEST tomboy ever-you would never expect it. I couldn't believe how blonde her hair looked either in that photo-so cute. Carter is such a crack up all the time. They are going to be awesome big sister and big brother. Hang in there...you are soo close and it will all be over with soo soon! So exciting!

Love, Chelsea

chelle said...

Looks like you've been having loads of fun. :)