I definitely won't be posting about how much Haylee sleeps anymore. I seemed to have jinxed myself yesterday by posting that!
(I'm now going to try and take a nap.)
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
sleeping update
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
three kids vs. one mommy
Obviously I'm still adjusting to three children. I can't find the time to get everything that I like to/need to done. I had this problem before Haylee arrived, but it's twice as bad now. It's okay though because as long as I'm getting sleep, I can deal with most things thrown my way. And yes, so far (knock on wood), I am getting adequate sleep :) Haylee had her best night just last night - 11:30pm to 7am! Woot!
Since we really haven't been anywhere this past month, I just have random pictures on the camera that are taken (mostly) around the house.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
helping hands
Thank you so much Mom for flying to Ohio and taking care of my family for almost two whole weeks. You kept the kids busy from morning 'til night and nobody appreciates that more than ME! With all the kids activities, I don't know how you were able to fit in making such yummy dinners for us, keeping my kitchen spotless, etc, etc, but you certainly did!
Thanks to everyone else that has helped in making this transition to three children a little easier on me. I have had lots of yummy dinners brought into our home and the kids have had some fun play dates with their friends! I am so blessed to have such giving family and friends!
Thursday, July 02, 2009
I didn't forget Father's Day...
...I just had a few other things going on at the same time ;)
I just wanted let everyone know (as if you didn't already) what a great guy that Aaron is. I kind of feel that he got short changed this Father's Day, but luckily, he doesn't feel that way in the least bit. I was able to make him one of his favorite meals for lunch on Father's Day before heading to the hospital. He got lots of hugs and kisses from two of his biggest fans too. Oh, and some pretty snazzy (home-made) key chains too.
Here's some of my favorite recent pictures of a great Dad:
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
The Haylee Story
I don't know that I could have asked for things to go more smoothly! I am lucky to have pretty uneventful pregnancies and this one was no different. This labor and delivery experience was a good one too.
On Friday the 19th of June, I had my 40-week check-up. I wasn't quite dilated to a two and since my doctor knew that I would be ready to have the baby the following week, he scheduled for me to have an ultrasound on Tuesday the 23rd to be sure the baby was a good size before deciding to induce.
On Saturday the 20th (my due date) I got my hair cut and did my last bit of cleaning since my mom was flying in that night. The real contractions started that Saturday late afternoon. I was sure that I would still be going to my Tuesday appointment since I had contracted at home with Olivia for nearly four days before being admitted to the hospital.
My mom made it in late on Saturday night and we couldn't have timed it better!
I made it to church on Sunday (like I had promised everyone in Primary that I would) but couldn't hide the pain of my contractions very good while I was there. I did get things squared away to be gone for a few weeks.
After dinner on Sunday and getting the kids in bed, I think Aaron was getting nervous. (He's always worried that he's going to have to be the one to deliver the baby at home ;) We started timing the contractions around that time and by 10pm, they were regularly five to six minutes apart. Aaron hurried me along to finish packing my bag, I had a quick favorite meal of mine (cinnamon toast & chocolate milk) and then it was off to the hospital. We arrived there at around 11pm on Sunday and I was very happy to hear that I had dilated to a five.