Thursday, September 10, 2009

Happy Blog Birthday

My blog celebrated it's fourth birthday last month. I love having a blog. It makes me feel less guilty for not keeping a good journal and for not being "into" scrapbooking. Here's some random pics...

Aaron and I gave Carter a little rocket for his birthday and since it didn't work, I exchanged it for this get-up (Carter's pick). He does really good on the carpet, but they roll really fast on the hardwood. So fast that the rest of his body has a hard time keeping up with his feet.

They DO love each other.

Around nap time, Carter began pouting about something (I've since forgotten what that was) and then crawled under my computer desk. I did what I usually do, ignore it. It worked perfectly on that day.

Since we moved into our home, I've wanted a purple colored Rose of Sharon bush for our yard. I got it a few weeks ago. There are lots of plants that have sentimental meaning to me and this is one. My Grandma Johnson had one of these in her yard and would show me how to make dancing dolls from them. I was so excited to show Olivia how to make them and tell her that I used to make them when I was little.

We didn't have any pretty blooms left on my little bush after that. Oh well. When it gets bigger, it will have plenty of blooms to make dolls with.

One of my friends sent me this headband for Haylee. Now when we're out, she won't get mistaken for a boy anymore. Thanks Katie.

As Carter and I were eating breakfast one morning, he turned to me with chocolate frosting all over his face from his Boston Creme Pie toaster strudel, and asked if breakfast would make him "strong and healthy." Yes son, that is what Pillsbury is for.


Lori said...

Cute pics. Haylee is really starting to look like you. She is so cute.

Sylvia said...

Let us not forget Eggos and Scooby Doo fruit snacks on that health food list, bah ha ha ha!! I'm so glad another mother embraces toaster-to-table foods now and then. I love the dancing dolls. That's one of my favorite parts of motherhood--showing my kids things I used to love to do when I was little!

chelle said...

Love the cute pics Shayleen. I miss those days when my kids would pout and end up falling asleep! Now they just whine and moan...and whine and moan some more,never tiring from it! lol
The dancing dolls are too cute. I have never seen those before. I love how much you return to your roots with all the sentimental things you do. My family isn't huge on family traditions or anything. I wish I had more things to remember my grandparents with.

Mama D said...

Your kids are so cute! You have some great memories.

The Wageman Clan said...

Those little flower dolls are so cute. I've never seen such a thing. Your kids are as cute as ever. Hope all is going well.

Robyn said...

Such a great post. Did you get those toaster strudel on sale with a coupon? Your kids are so, so cute. And now I want a rose of sharon in my imaginary back yard!